The Villages

One thing you should know…

Written By: Charlotte - Oct• 14•12

if you want to buy on your first visit, DO IT. You are probably wondering what has gotten me to shout do it, in internet language (capital letters). There are several things you might want to know about me before I tell you why I say DO IT. I am a very positive person, I do not like negativety of any sort. If someone does not like something, get up and go do something about it or be quiet, and especially don’t tell me about it.  There are a lot of things written about The Villages, in article form, books and in newsletters.  I received a newsletter today that has an attachment, I think 64 pages as I stopped reading it,  that was titled 50 Things You Should Know Before You Buy in The Villages.  It starts out that it is not I am already prepared for it to be negative…and it states several times in the first few paragraphs, do not buy on your first visit.  Well, I bought on my first visit and I have never regretted a minute.  We bought five days after arriving at the Villages because we were renting for two months, we loved it so much we wanted to rent for three months the next year, but realized that it would be $8000 to rent and that money was better off put towards a home.   Everyone’s situation is different, and every personality is different.  We bought our first retirement home in a wonderful lake community in Pennsylvania one week after we first visited.  The couple that had introduced us to the lake couldn’t get over we bought so fast.  They couldn’t get over that we didn’t even know where the grocery store was.  I couldn’t get over that that would be a concern.  I loved the lake and I was sure people got their groceries somewhere.    So for someone to give me  50 things I should know before I buy, they are really barking up the wrong tree.  I have been here full time since 2006 and have gotten to do a lot of things and met a lot of people.  I have not heard of people leaving The Villages because of something they should have known.  Those like myself who have had several homes,  it is more that their situation has changed, mostly they have sold their home up north and want something bigger. Sometimes they go bigger and then they buy something with less maintenance as they get older.  That is what is so great about The Villages, there are numerous options here that you have no where else,  that I know of.   As The Villages is built out I personally anticipate that our home values will increase considerably.  According to recent statistics total sales of all homes for the last 12 months was 4271, or approximately 356 homes a month, with 222 being new homes and 135 being  pre-owned homes sold. When The Villages is built out I truly believe we will still have the Buyers, approximately 356 a month, and that is how it will effect our values.  That is why I say what a great time to buy.  I also say if it is your first visit here there is only 1 thing you need to know, not 50,  and that is if you are thinking of buying…DO IT.

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