The Villages

So much to do…

Written By: Charlotte - Oct• 17•12

so little time.  Over the years I think we have all said…I wish there were more hours in the day.  It probably started while we were still in the cradle.  How many of us willing put our heads down and went to sleep, even at a tender age we wanted more hours to our day.  As we went along in life it seemed we needed more hours to accomplish chores that many times we really didn’t enjoy doing.  We always seemed to need more hours to do things such as cutting the lawn, washing the car, washing clothes, ironing clothes, helping with homework and the like.  Wanting more hours was not always a good thing, it just meant we worked longer in a given day.  I want to say to my children and grandchildren, imagine if you could close your eyes and wish for more hours in the day to do things you liked doing, and that is after spending the hours you had in a day,  doing exactly what you liked doing.  Well, that is what it is like when you retire, and especially if you retire in The Villages.  There were so many things going on last Saturday that it was almost ludicrous, no it was ludicrous.  Craft fairs, Art in the Park, Opening of Brownwood’s Paddock Square, Sumter County’s Master Gardening Plant Sale, Farmer’s Market at Brownwood and I could go on and on.  There were bands playing, cheerleaders cheering and twirlers twirling, and I swear the attendees at these functions were also playing, cheering and twirling with excitement.   I know because I was there and that is why I say to myself I need more hours in the day. I love deep water aerobics and  I love writing my blog, I have really gotten into watercolors and love painting, I love reading my books for book club and there are days I just don’t know what to do first.  What really cuts into my time and I love this too,  is doing things with my friends, which always includes lunch or early dinner.  Each day when I get up and before I start I already am saying I wish I had more hours in the day.  I think you will agree with me that it is much more fun wishing for more hours now than it was many years ago.  Well I’m running out of time, have to use it wisely as there are not enough hours in the day to do all the things I love doing.  Wishing you more hours in your day.

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