The Villages

If you want something done…

Written By: Charlotte - Oct• 18•12

and you don’t want to do it yourself go see Sergio and Aurora. Many years ago I would do some sewing from time to time. We learned how to sew in school, in home economics. Imagine we cooked for half a year and we sewed for half a year. It was fun as we could move around the classroom, we could eat and wear our projects. I especially remember a pink sleeveless blouse I made and wore proudly. I never gave it a thought until now that probably the hardest thing about sewing a blouse is inserting the sleeves, and if my recollection is correct it didn’t have a collar either. However that did not stop me from feeling good about my sewing abilities. I also thought the cookies I baked were really good too. Anyway, fast forward 50 years and I decide this past summer that I want to cover six pillows for my living room couch. I don’t need a new couch but want to have a different look. I believe I wrote about my visit to my sisters in Virginia and the purchase of material and fringe for this project. I have a brand new sewing maching which Sean bought me when we moved here and he saw me hemming curtains by hand. Actually one curtain. It has never been used and sits in it’s original box, warranty and all. I thought what fun it will be to make these pillows. If I can sew a sleeveless blouse I can certainly make a pillow cover. When I was returning to Florida I stopped at my sisters and we were discussing my pillow project and she said I’m sure you could find someone in The Villages that could sew these for you. I was a little taken back by the remark, as it sounded like she thought it might be too much for me to do. I get home and start getting ready to tap into my sewing abilities. Well, to make a long story short, what a pain in the neck. I’m wrapped up with 5 yards of material and tangled up with 17.5 yards of fringe. Where do I start, I only have scissors for paper, I have no pins and the sewing machine is still in the box with the directions I will have to read before I even start.  Maybe I should first familiarize my self with the machine, okay where should I set it up. As I am struggling with all this my sisters remarks surface. I’m sure there is someone………….sisters are smart, aren’t they? There was only one problem I couldn’t find anyone.  Oh I found them but they were so busy I would have to get on a waiting list and wait months.  I especially got a kick out of one woman I called that said she was busy altering five wedding gowns so to call her in a few weeks.  In my quest to find someone I realized if you can sew you are in pretty good demand and I also learned that if you are looking to get married your chances are pretty good too.  Five wedding gowns, and I bet there are those brides that at this stage of their lives are getting married in plain clothes.  So, lots of brides.  Anyway, I happened to be going through Wildwood and I saw a new handmade sign…Upholstery.  I slammed on my brakes, turned around and the next thing I know I am in Sergio and Aurora’s shop.  They were still fixing up their facility, and it looked pretty bare bones to me but  I saw a big sewing machine and that made my day.  Within hours I was back with my pillows, material and fringe which I left with them, along with all  my enthusiasm I had for doing this job myself.  I did panic later thinking you don’t even know these people, you are so desperate not to do this job that you are willing to drop them off in the middle of Wildwood, jump in your car and run. Well, what a gem of a couple I met.  They have been doing upholstery for 10 years for decorators in first the Orlando area and then Leesburg.  They are from Argentina and have children in Spain and New York.  They decided to open their own business and I must have riden by right after they put out their homemade sign.  Sergio was working on a chair and it seemed he had a few other pieces he had to do, but not much.  I brought the pillows Saturday and picked them up Tuesday…..beautiful, what a job he did.  What  I found even more beautiful was that when I picked them up they had items all over their shop that people had brought in,  and actually they  had another person helping them.   Wow Aurora, looks like you and Sergio are going to make it.  She just grinned from ear to ear and the worry lines I saw Saturday were gone.   I rode past one day later and there were four more cars in their parking lot.  Oh, my pillows are beautiful and I highly recommend them if you want something done.

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