The Villages

Welcome Back…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 04•12

We welcome back our snowbirds…new and old. Many may be here for the first time, and others have come back year after year, to enjoy our warmer winter climate. I say that with tongue in cheek, as I think my thermometer says 30 degrees. We had such great weather up until now, however it is like a snow fall in April, it won’t be around for long. The nice thing is, as cool as it is in the morning, it normally warms up nicely in the afternoon. The warmth of the sun is delightful, this time of year. Again welcome, we are richer as a community because you are here. You bring with you renewed enthusiasm, you remind us all how fortunate we are to be living here, and it is just fun catching up on friendships. However, I did read somewhere that many of our snowbirds are turning into full-time residents, and that is a good sign too. What is the saying, the more the merrier. I believe that is true.

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