The Villages

Paddles up…

Written By: Charlotte - Oct• 22•12

and off I go to give you an account of my two day experience watching and cheering on three of our Village Dragon Boat racing teams compete in the annual Orlando International Boat Festival, held in Downtown Disney. The teams from the Villages that competed were the Silver Dragons, the Leatherneck Warriors, and the Leathernecks.  Races are won by just inches making it a fierce competition.  The sport,  simply put is a 46′ long boat weighing 600lbs. and with a crew of 20 paddlers, a drummer and a steers person paddling to cross the finish faster than their competitors.  It’s a team sport in its purest form, that encompasses the elements of power, speed, synchronization and  endurance.   Teams often form as a social outlet, team building and an alternative form of exercise and that is why it probably started in the Villages. Right? Social outlet, and exercise is right up our alley and our generation loves the fun and excitement that teams bring, making this a  perfect recipe for success in the Villages. It is the fastest growing water sport in the world and North America has emerged as an international powerhouse because of its sprint canoing background. It is interesting to note that the average age of a Village paddler is 67, and they are competing against younger paddlers which you would think would walk all over them or better put glide right past them. If you had to make a bet wouldn’t you put your money down on a police department team or a firefighters team, these crew members are in their physical prime and age, but you guessed it, if you did you would have  lost your money.  It’s been rumored that the Orlando Police Department crew members, after getting beaten by the Villagers were heard to say, we know you did it but we don’t know how. This weekend’s races comprised of 70 teams from all over the world, and each race was 500 meters long with four or five dragon boats competing in each race.  It was mentioned to me that it is the only sport that starts a race with over 100 competitors all competing at one time.  Imagine the power exerted by those crew members.  It is exhillerating to see them flying over the finish line winning by only inches and what is more amazing is that the Leathernecks from the Villages won all their races and emerged as the Grand Champions this year.  Remember the average age is 67.  Congratulations Leathernecks for beating all those whipper snappers who think we Villagers are just a bunch of old retirees.  You did us proud and showed them a thing or two about power, speed, synchronization and endurance…you brought it all and left it in the water to surface again at your next race.  This will be continued with more facts and fun.

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