The Villages

Evans Prairie…

Written By: Charlotte - Oct• 27•12

Championship Golf Course is, out of the mouth of an avid golfer, the best golf course in the Villages. Sean had an opportunity to play Evans Prairie this morning and he came home raving. If you know Sean, he is an Ambassador at Tierra Del Sol, you know that he loves golf. He will play a round of golf and when he gets home he has to go back out and practice. If his round was good he has to make sure he keeps doing what he was doing, and if he had a bad round he wants to make sure he doesn’t keep doing what he did.  I am thankful that they don’t have guards on the golf courses at night, for sure as I know Sean, he would apply for the job.   Very rarely does he not like a course, and he is known to rave about many courses.  But today he was full of excitement when he got home, so much so that the neighbors have already heard about it.  I asked him what made Evans Prairie so special he said the layout, a lot of water and wildlife area. I should say after golf,  wildlife is his next favorite thing, so besides the layout being excellent I believe the wildlife area is the icing on the cake.  How many times have we said The Villages just out does itself each time it presents us with a new facility, and they did it again.  Oh, I wasn’t sure if his round of  78 (in the wind) had anything to do with his love of the course.  He said no, when you get excited about something you always do better.  How true.

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