The Villages

Emergency room delight…

Written By: Charlotte - Oct• 29•12

Barefoot no more.  All my life I have gone barefooted and never had a problem, although I have had many warnings of the terrible things that might befall me. My sons spent their early years barefooted, as the theory was they developed better arches. Not really thinking the theory out, the arches probably were developed from sharp objects poking tender little feet. Anyway we all survived, including my sons’ arches,  until last week. I should say it started a month ago when I was in the yard barefooted and suddenly I looked down and my foot was covered with ants.  I quickly brushed them off, but about six or seven bit me. They do sting like crazy and itch and itch and itch, about three weeks worth. They finally heeled and I thought that was the end of it. A week ago Saturday I happened to be outdoors and one little ant got in my sandal. Again a sting and I thought here we go again, however just one bite, I can do this. When I went to bed that night it itched a little bit, however I tosssed and turned all night from the itching, got up and put cortizone cream on my foot a few times and each time realized my foot was getting bigger and redder. That one little ant bite had activated the old bites and they were just as inflamed as the new bite. By 4 am the swelling and redness was above my ankle and heading up my leg.  I thought I better get to the Emergency Room, this is not good.  As I showered and dressed I kept thinking I better eat something, I better bring something to read, I better prepare myself for a long wait.  I had heard stories all my life, of long waits in Emergency Rooms, had heard how when the snowbirds come back the wait at The Villages’ Hospital is long.  I had also heard that The Villages’ Hospital had opened up an Emergency Room annex or Urgent Care associated with the hospital which I thought was a wonderful idea.  I armed myself with snacks and patience and headed over.  I walked in and I thought I was in the wrong place, maybe they moved the Emergency Room.  I looked around and sure enough I saw someone behind the desk who was all set to help me.  Within minutes I had my wrist band attached and was escorted to a cubicle to await the Doctor.  It took a little while to see a Doctor, as there were a few patients ahead of me that I did not see, but I heard.  I left in record time and  the Emergency Room was still empty.  It was a very pleasant experience and the fact that the ant anecdote worked immediately, made my Emergency Room visit even more pleasant.  I couldn’t help but think that perhaps because of the emphasis on health care;  from doctors and facilities to surveys and  seminars, not to mention an empty Emergency Room,  we truly are the Healthiest Hometown.  Just another reason I love living here.

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