The Villages

Alligators and customer service…

Written By: Charlotte - Nov• 03•12

Was a post I wrote and can be found in the archives, (right hand side menu) – January 2012.  It was great advice and I heeded it many times during the year.  However this past week I forgot all about it and when I finally came to my senses I was too late.   If you are not familiar with our Customer Service and have not read Alligator’s etc.,  the Villages has a Customer Service that will direct you to the right Dept. or person that can help you.  They are terrific.  Anyway a week ago Thursday we were returning home after dark and all of a sudden saw a tiny dog frantically running ahead of us on the road.  We stopped to try to catch him,  but he was uncatchable. We left our mission and hoped that he would not get hit by a car and that his owner would find him.  He was a long haired chihuahua.  I know that because the next day he was still running around our street and we were able to get a good look at him , but still could not catch him.  We notified Animal Control and the Humane Society and the radio and figured there was not much more we could do.  We did not see him for a couple of days and then…there he was running by the house.  I tried enticing him with food, although because of the preserve could not leave food out for him.  In fact he would run into the preserve for water which was frightening.  The morning of the seventh day we were both getting exhausted and he would let me get a little closer to him, but not close enough to grab him.  I did see that he was now missing hair from his back legs and he was not the well groomed dog of a week ago.  In frustration I made my rounds of calls and couldn’t get through to Animal Control…who had said they would come out and set a Have a Heart trap for him.  I am familiar with this type of trap and living in the country had experience setting them.  I will get a trap and I will set it.  I tried the rod and gun stores, no traps, Humane Society had traps but they were all out..and as I was searching the phone book I thought Customer Service…call them, maybe they can help.  I called and they told me Property Management has Have A Heart traps that they lend out and all you have to do is sign them out.  They gave me the number and in less that five minutes I was in my car to pick it up.  I kicked myself that I had not called them earlier as I tell people to do.  Unfortunately, when I arrived at Property Management they apologized profusely that all the traps were out and they had called me back but I was gone already.  They would try to locate them and see what they  could do.  I couldn’t wait and headed to Ace Hardware to see if they had any and to my surprise they did.  10 minutes later I am back at Property Management to tell them I got one, and they said we have one coming back this afternoon.  Again I didn’t want to wait as this little guy was fading fast.  I set the trap and baited it with hot dogs as soon as I got home.  I watched that day and all through the night…it was empty.  The next afternoon I was informed that the radio station announced that he was found and they were now looking for the owner.  So someone did catch him, maybe with one of those unavailable traps.  Alls well that ends well and again want to remind you how great Customer Service is.   Their number is 753-4508 and I will take my own advice next time.

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