The Villages

Score one more…

Written By: Charlotte - Nov• 12•12

for The Villages. As I had mentioned, my son and his family were here for a couple of days and had a good time as usual. My grandson Damian is celebrating his 17th birthday next week and is the son everyone would like to have. He plays Varsity sports, he gets great grades, he’s a natural snow boarder, plays golf but also plays the cello and enjoys being involved in the schools theatrical productions.  He saved enough money, and his parents matched him so he could buy a nice car, a Mini Cooper that scares me to death. My son says he’s not sure he would have made that arrangement with him if he had known how much money he was going to save. He worked this past summer computer monitoring a large construction job and actually found mistakes that computer engineers had not found. Vanderbilt University is pursuing him to be a part of a summer Computer Engineering program, which he may do next summer. So there you have it and all around son, great future, proud parents and grandparents and then we walk into the The Villages Golf Cart Store and he strolls around, the way only  a 17 year old can.  He approaches his father…Dad, you know I could see myself living in the Villages and selling Golf Carts, I would love that and I could make a lot of money while playing pickleball and dragon boating.   When he  saw the blood drain from my son’s face he started working on him by telling him if he did that it would save my son a lot of money.    My son was rightfully concerned as this is the Grandson that for Christmas wanted a Village back pack and when he got it he used it so much he wanted another one (I sent him two), which he uses. It is the same Grandson that several years ago wanted me to change his airline ticket home from Wed. to Friday. He had a friend in The Villages that he had reconnected with and I thought it was to spend more time with Brian. I almost changed his ticket until I found out the reason was he wanted to go out to dinner with the New Jersey group on Thursday night. So, the Golf Cart idea was a real threat. However, the Mother of the son jumped in and pulled the Grandson aside and said Dames, you’re too young so  make this Plan B…experience life and then come and pursue your Village dream.  However, it really warms my heart to think he finds that my life  is AWESOME.  That says a lot for The Villages.  It also is an indicator that The Villages will be passed down from generation to generation and that’s awesome too.

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