The Villages

I find myself…

Written By: Charlotte - Nov• 15•12

wanting to say, if I already told you this story stop me. I actually picked that up from my Grandmother who when in her 80’s was so afraid of repeating herself that she would start every sentence with it. Well this morning I was starting to write about how time flies when I thought didn’t I just recently write about not enough hours in the day  and sure enough I had. Well, it certainly seems to be a problem that we wrestle with here in The Villages. I’ve be fighting with my email, trying to send out 35 emails to a group of golfers, and it took me two days to finally get them out. I loaded the emails into a group, would send the email and only five names would transfer. Then I bit the bullet and loaded all the emails into one email, when I hit send it disappeared, and I won’t bore you with the rest of the things I did with that email, but it really put a dent in my schedule.  I now am behind in the book I’m reading for the Book Club meeting next Tuesday.  Reading will then put me behind on something else I would like to do.  I am not complaining, and I’m sure many of you who can identify with what I am saying, are not complaining either.  Actually the only time I really find myself upset and frustrated is when addressing computer challenges.    A good percentage of people I know never imagined themselves living  in Florida, and I can bet they never imagined themselves hopping out of bed early to get to an activity that they love doing.  Only in The Villages.

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