The Villages

Retirement means Pension, Social Security, Medicare, and the Weather.

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 06•12

Today, when I jumped out of bed and checked the thermometer, it occurred to me that it really controls our lives, and even more so, our emotions.     I was a little let down, as I don’t know if it will get in the 50’s before 8:30am, so I can go to water aerobics.   I’ll keep checking though.   In most cases, the weather does not stop the outdoor activities in the Villages, it just dictates the amount of layers we wear.  I know if I go out right now I will see the walkers, the joggers, the bicyclists, the golf carts scurring to golf, to tennis,to pickleball, to softball and the like.   And there will be those that do water aerobics, no matter what, they have wet suits, of which I have not invested in yet, because I think if I need a jacket to go in the water, it is just too cold to do it. However, there have been some mornings lately that I go and find myself envying those with jackets, so I am beginning to kick myself that I did not put one on my Christmas wish list.  We talk about the weather when it is cold, or when it is hot, we even talk about what the weather it is going to be.   We check the weather where we previously lived.  We check the children’s weather, and our friends weather.   We use it as an  ice breaker when we meet someone, we even use it when we say good-bye.  Have to go out into the cold…we say that when it is 60 degrees.   From my observation, I think men are more interested in the weather, to be fair however that could be because they are outdoors more.  I think weather concerns comes with retirement.  When I worked I don’t remember giving the weather much thought in the morning, I didn’t have the time.  Now I get up, check the thermometer, hear the weather on the news, read about the weather in the Daily Sun, and discuss the weather with Sean. That all happens before I finish my first cup of coffee. Isn’t it great that that is one of our biggest concerns.  Just in case you are wondering, I did go to water aerobics this morning, 50 degrees and I had no jacket.  The water was so warm that there was steam rising from it, and within a short period the sun came out and I was delighted I went.  I heard it is going to be 80 degrees on Monday.

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