The Villages

True Crime…

Written By: Charlotte - Nov• 30•12

is alive and well in The Villages, oh I mean the True Crime Book Club. I belong to the Bookworm Book Club and along with 75 plus woman attend the monthly meeting, which is never disappointing. Normally a book club consists of a small group of woman meeting most often in someone’s home to discuss a book.  We, on the other hand, meet in the Bacall Recreation Center and sit at card tables. The meeting is an hour an a half long, so for the first part of the meeting the book is discussed at the table. The facillatator sometimes will have placed several questions about the book that they would like that table to discuss.  The second part of the meeting  is opened  to discussion, which is done in a very orderly manner.  If previous questions have been placed on the tables, then each table is asked to share their answers with the group.   The one thing that I particularly love about this group is that no matter what book we discuss there is someone in the group that has had a personal connection to the subject.  Either themselves personally, or a relative or grandparent.  For example we read In The Garden of Beasts last month, which is about Berlin in the early 1930’s at the time Hitler was just rising to power.  There were several members that had personal stories, either experienced or told to them by relatives, that added another perspective to the subject. Another thing that is great about this group we will go to lunch afterwards, and we many times go to a restaurant that relates to the book.   We went to a German restaurant and feasted on Brockwurst and  Weiner Snitzel last month.    As I often do I got carried away with my own story and you are probably wondering what this has to do with True Crime Book Club. That is another club and I have said many times that I would like to start going to their meetings as I have heard they are really good.  In the case of their club there are apparently many members that were either Policeman, Detectives, Prosecutors, Judges or someone that has worked in that field…not as a criminal though.  I know several of them have written their own True Crime books, so I can only imagine the discussions at their meetings.  I’ve been told that at their meeting this Sunday they are bringing  Suzanne Barr from New York City, to be a guest speaker and she will discuss her book Fatal Kiss.  She is considered a fiction writer but also writes mystery and true crime.   She also is a New York Times bestselling ghost writer, but they said not to expect her to say who she writes for.  I would imagine that just might be a crime if she did.  It is open to eveyone and in order to register call Diane at 751-7392. It will be Dec. 2nd at 1:30 pm at Colony Cottage Recreation Center.  There is a $2.00 fee to be paid at the door for this special meeting. Perhaps I’ll see you there, I will be wearing my trench coat, hat and dark glasses.

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