The Villages

Eat your dinner…

Written By: Charlotte - Dec• 05•12

Every once in a while Sean’s actions remind me of a time when my sons were growing up and they were young enough to tell them what they had to do. They would do it, perhaps not willingly or happily, but they did it. One of those things were, eat your dinner, and they did it. Well last night I baked pork chops with an apricot glaze (really Apricot jam on top). To start off with before I even got them to the table, when I was taking them out of the oven I spilled the melted Apricot jam all over the oven, so the house filled up with the smell of a flaming burn barrel. Not real conducive to eating. Anyway, we sat down to eat, the phone rang and a neighbor needed a hand doing something. He willingly jumped up and said I will be right there. He had taken only one bite and that was out of the Apricot glazed pork chop or better described pork chop with apricot jam on top. As he was hastening to get out I said eat your dinner before you go. He immediately responded with an infatic NO..that was it..just NO. I’ll save it, another NO, don’t save it. I should back up a little and say that there are a few things I have learned about Irish men. They love meat and potatoes and carrots and turnips and maybe a few more things, oh apples and apple pie. They do not like spices, salt and pepper that’s it. It’s really very easy to cook for them, that is if you stick to their likes. The other thing is they are very happy, find humor in everything, and make humor out of anything, sometimes to the point of will you please get serious. However, if they do not like something which is very rare, they are very stubborn, or should I say very, very stubborn. They dig their heels in and there is no turning them around. A pork chop with Apricot jam on top provoked the stubborn No, I’m not eating my dinner. I gave up easily as I knew I was not going to win this, but of course disappointed as I looked at his entire meal untouched, except for one bite. I had to get my two cents in and reminded him that he ate the pork chop at Evans Prairie Country Club that had an orange glaze sauce on it that he said was delicious. He looked totally puzzled as to what does that have to do with this pork chop. When he realized that I had tried to duplicate that sauce, and down deep I knew that I had failed, we burst out laughing and we keep laughing every time we think of it. Evans Prairie”s pork chop?   I do have to say their Pork Chop with Orange Sauce is absolutely delicious.  So delicious that even a meat and potatoe Irish man liked it. He made me promise not to try to duplicate other restaurants’ recipes, he said he will just take me there. So it was a win for me, he didn’t eat his dinner but I get to go to dinner in the future.  Try Evans Prairie Country Club, it is the newest of Country Clubs and as everything else in The Villages, it just keeps getting better. And it did.

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