The Villages

A Very Sharp Shooter…

Written By: Charlotte - Dec• 07•12

I never tire or cease to be amazed at the accomplishments of The Villages and/or their residents. I can imagine that some people who have never visited The Villages think that I am just a person who likes to brag all the time. Oh this is the best, and that is the best, and I have the best, and you don’t have the best, and I could go on and on. However, to defend my position,  I know that anyone who lives in The Villages has heard many times over, you can never imagine all that is here, you have to come and experience it yourself.  Nothing can describe it.  Well, I try to explain but I know some of you get tired of so much wonderfulness.  But how can I not be proud of accomplishments, how can I not say I have the best people living amongst us when an individual, who is 90 years old and a  member of The Villages Archery Club  just qualified for the 2013 Summer U.S. National Senior Games in Cleveland Ohio this summer.  He did it last week-end by putting on a remarkable performance at the Florida Senior Games State Championships in Polk County.   He set a new Florida record in the compound fingers division with a score of 825 out of a possible 900. Compound fingers division means you have to shoot with your fingers on the string. That in its’ self, sounds hard to me.   Each archer shoots a total of 90 arrows and gets 10 points each time he is within 3 inches of the target.  All I can say it WOW, that’s a lot of arrows.   Imagine just keeping your arms in a shooting position 90 times, and imagine how steady you have to be, and then that is only 1% of the skill, the other 99% is mental as attested to by the President of the Archery Club.  The President went on to say, ” there is no one in the United States that can beat him at his age. I’m pretty confident the records he is setting in his age group will stand forever. ”   See, I’m not bragging, it’s just true,  we have the best.  Congratulations to our 90 year old neighbor and best of luck to him this summer at The Nationals.  We will all be rooting for him.

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