The Villages

Communication and love…

Written By: Charlotte - Dec• 12•12

In the study of  Numerology all numbers are reduced and 1+2=3 and the number 3 is about communication and love.  Therefore today 12/12/12 is about how we learn to accept and communicate unconditional love to mankind. What a beautiful thought.  There have been many things said about these numbers and this date.  Regarding the number 12 there have been 12 zodiac signs, 12 pairs of human ribs, 12 days of Christmas, 12 apostles of Jesus, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 months in a year, 12 hues in a color wheel, 12 keys on a telephone, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 inches in a foot, 12 face cards in a deck and 12 humans walked on Earth’s moon.  Pretty impressive.  As far as the date goes the last 12/12/12 was in 1912 and the next will be 2112.  The closest like date will be in 01/01/01 and that is Dec. 1, 2101.  Communication and love…what a peaceful thought for today, and as a matter of fact, any day.

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