The Villages

Christmas trees and books…

Written By: Charlotte - Dec• 25•12

My Mother was a Librarian so it only stands to reason that my siblings and I were exposed to books at a very, very early age, probably pre-natal.  My memories of my childhood home were the fireplace, the bookcase that took up the entire wall next to it, and the window seat, on top of a radiator,  where I would go to warm up after playing in the snow, dry my mittens and watch the birds at the feeder, that was  next to the window and the evergreen tree.  I always looked forward to the weekly trip to the Ridgewood Library and my visit to the children’s section  downstairs, where I could pick out books to bring home.  I specifically remember the day my Mother said I could stay downstairs by myself and pick out books, take them to the little table that was provided for children and sit and read until she came back. I had to be around four years old as we would go to the library when my sisters were in school. From that day on the weekly trip took on more importance, as it meant for a short period of time,  I was completely on my own, in a world where even the furniture was my size.  How grown up was that?  I have to mention there was a Librarian there with me, but still  in my mind I was alone. There was a period in my life where I was too busy with other thoughts and activities that I didn’t read.  It really bothered one of my sisters that I could sit without a book and just stare into space, absorbed in my own thoughts.  It  was easy, I was a teenager.  Fast forward to yesterday and while sharing a Holiday conversation with one of my sisters,  she mentioned she had made a Christmas tree out of books. I thought what a clever idea, but couldn’t quite imagine it.  She emailed a picture to me and I loved it.  I took it a step farther and googled Christmas trees made from books and up popped many sites to look at.  At one site it said share on pinterest, I clicked that and it came up on my site on pinterest.  While on pinterest I thought let me check out my Va. sister’s site, and when I did that,  what a surprise,  she had a Christmas tree made out of books too.   I think Mom would be so happy to see that her love of books lives on.  You are probably thinking what does this have to do with The Villages.  Well,  The Villages has three libraries, the Mark Twain Library at the Paradise Recreation Center, the library at 325 Belvedere Blvd., and the new one at 7375 Powell Road.  We also have the Marion, Lake and Sumter County Libraries close by.   We have lots of Christmas Trees in The Villages, and who knows, there may be one made out of books in one of the libraries.   I wouldn’t be surprised.  In the meantime,  I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  I tried to forward just a picture of a Christmas tree out of books  and couldn’t do it, however I forwarded a site where you can see what it looks like.  Enjoy.


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