The Villages

Happy New Year…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 02•13

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, a year where everything wonderful happens for you. I’ve been so caught up with the Holidays that, as I am sure you have noticed,  I have not been blogging. My sister visited from Virginia and I was able to keep up with her, of course that is what I say, she may be saying she slowed down for me. We visited Cedar Key one day and the Morse Museum in Winter Park another, then wound up yesterday on the beach at Cocoa Beach. She returned home refreshed from her vacation and I slumped into my favorite chair and promptly fell asleep. I chalked up her high energy to the fact that she is 14 years younger than I am, is in tip top shape and was on vacation, which automatically reves up the enthusiasm for visiting new places. We had a great time each day and I will return very soon to Winter Park, as I thoroughly enjoyed the museum and would like to go back and spend more time there. As far as New Year’s Resolutions are concerned I checked back on my blog of January 2012 and I didn’t do too bad…I think I was really good most of the year and then fell down during the month of December.  I guess that is the dreaded reward stage of accomplishments, where you did quite well so you have a right to reward yourself.  My resolutions were: 1) I would blog five times a week, and I almost did that. B. 2) I would lose weight and I did, but went overboard on rewarding myself in December. B-. That is high again on my list this year.  3) I would exercise more. No comment  C-.  4)  Plan trip to Ireland. A. We will be spending the month of July in Newmarket, County Cork, Ireland.  That area is close to where Sean was born and raised and he has family, sister and brothers near by.  5) Have not planned trip to Colorado, which was on my resolution list.  F, or IC.  I much prefer saying that my assignment was incomplete as to I failed.  However,  I really did better than I thought, but will definitely hit the refresh button and continue forward in 2013 doing the same and hopefully surprising myself next January.  Wishing you good fortune and resolution success in the year 2013.


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