The Villages

So much to do…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 11•13

so little time. Sean has a saying, when God made time he made plenty of it. Normally when he says that, remember he is Irish from Ireland, he gets my hackles up because he is changing the subject, he is not addressing the real issue, which probably has to do with answering the question, what took you so long or how long is it going to take you?  The other day I had to call my Bundled server (TV, phone, internet) after receiving my bill that was bungled again. I was already hyperventilating with the idea I had to go through the process again, as this has been happening for two months. I fix one problem and another surfaces. Sean of course got the first taste of my frustration as I headed for the phone. He quietly said to me, you are retired you have all the time in the world, relax and enjoy the music. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing, but thought you know he’s right, I’m retired what’s the big deal. I called, went through the initial button pushing, put the phone on speaker, listened to the music and hopped on the computer. Normally I would have sat, tapping my foot, ready for bear, and then pouncing like a leopard on its’ prey when finally some person asked if they could help me. This time, the only thing that was just slightly annoying, was when they would interrupt the music and say, thank-you for holding your call is important to us. My problem could not be resolved by the first person I spoke to for 20 minutes and even when they put me back on hold I didn’t mind as I was into something interesting on the computer and I could get back to that. 35 minutes later the 2nd person came on and I was as calm as a cucumber. We quietly discussed my problem, and after 20 minutes I was complimenting her on how smart she had to be to figure out my bill and I couldn’t imagine doing her job all day. I even got 3 months of HBO free for my inconvenience, and I’m sure it was not my inconvenience but my niceness that got me that perk.  I almost said, oh no I’m retired I have plenty of time but I stopped. When I got off the phone it was exactly and hour an a half later. When I went back out and told Sean I just got off the phone and everything is fine, and we have HBO free for three months, he said WHAT, you’ve been on the phone that entire time, I can’t believe it, what took so long? When God made time Sean, he made plenty of it and I walked back in the house chuckling to myself. I’m retired and we are retired and it is a good thing to remind ourselves of, it really works except when you see all the things we could be doing in The Villages and there is just not enough time in the day to partake in all that is offered. Now, that is another story.


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