The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 16•13

As I wrote about yesterday, it  was my Book Club meeting and I said I was going to talk about Daisy.  Well, I didn’t get a chance to share that story, although joined in on other stories.  I do want to tell you about my feelings about this Club, and the great people in it.  Anyone who hears about our Club, can not imagine having over 100 members, with as many as 60, 70, or 80 attending a monthly meeting.  They say it could never work, but guess what, it does. We say it is because of our Chairperson, Kathy Porter, and she says it is because of the members.  We are probably both right, kind of like the members couldn’t do it without Kathy, and Kathy couldn’t do it without members.  A marriage made in Heaven.  Anyway,  everyone has an opportunity to share their thoughts and opinions of the book, and or comment on someone elses’ thoughts and opinions,  so forth and so on.  Yesterday the discussion was exceptionally lively, as it discussed our feelings of life…backward and forward.  Members stories were especially interesting, being the first woman Stock Broker, the first Principal of a School, a stay at home Mom, and much more.  I enjoyed each one more than the other.   Sometimes I wish the Morse’s could be a fly on the wall and hear all the wonderful things that are said about The Villages.  Yesterday was no exception.  Many woman shared their experiences moving to The Villages, and the scenario is always the same,  I bought in two days, I never imagined anything like this existed, I never imagined having so much fun in retirement,  I can’t rave enough about my neighbors, the activties, I just love living here.   But yet yesterday,  I heard something else, something very profound.  The topic of loss came up and a member shared that she had recently lost her husband and  had been encouraged to come to The Villages for a few days, in fact it was her children who had paid for a Lifestyle Preview visit.  They had heard of The Villages and thought they would like to give her a few days away from the surroundings that were so painful for her.  Little did they realize  she would come, she would  buy and she would move in, just a few short months ago.  With that story, many more stories like that started to be shared.  One woman shared that if anything good had come out of her loss,  it was finding The Villages.  At lunch I happened to be sitting with one of the woman who had shared her experience of coming to The Villages,  and she said…Charlotte,  I was lost without my husband, I had no direction, I was hurting, I did not find the The Villages…The Villages found me.  What a thought.

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