The Villages

Carole who???

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 02•12

Exercise Carole.  If you live in The Villages long enough, you know exactly what I am saying.  We tend to tag our friends’ names, so everyone will know who we are referring to.   Before moving here my friends were Lynn, Jo, Patti, Carol, Bernice, Rossa, Karen etc.   If I spoke of Patti everyone knew who I was talking about.  However, now because of involvements in clubs, organization and activities,  it seems we have many friends with the same name.  Take Carole, I have my original friend Carol from New Jersey, then Exercise Carole who I met in water aerobics, then  Estevez Carol who became a friend and lives on Estevez Dr., and a newly added Carole from N.J. who moved into a Premier section, so she is referred to as Premier Carole.  I liken it to the Barbie phenomenon.  There was the original Barbie, then Holiday Barbie, Circus Barbie, Dynasty Barbie and so on. I really hadn’t realized how much this is done until I overheard a conversation and the name Pat was mentioned.  The other person said Pat who?  Pickleball Pat, oh that Pat and the conversation proceeded.   We all use the words big and little, and when used in that context we mean height, 5’8″ or 5’2″.  We never use fat or skinny, just as there would never be a Fat Barbie or a Skinny Barbie.  At many of the activities there are name tags,  some temporary, that are good for one use and thrown away and others that are permanent, tags that you can buy and when not in use, are lined up like soldiers on our dressers.  Every once in a while you will go to an activity and some will have tags and others won’t, and it isn’t long before your curiosity gets the best of you and you inquire, how do I get a name tag?  It usually involves something special you have done for the group.   There is only one exception for me to this rule.There are many Kathys, but only one that is the membership chair for the Village Homeowners Association (huge job), Florida Master Gardener, chair of the Bookworm Book Club (does phenomenal job) President and Founder of the Staten Island Club, Treasurer of the Marion Co. Rose Society (best Garden Tours ever) and membership chair of  The Village Birders…you may think we call her Bookworm Kathy, or Rose Kathy, Homeowner Kathy or Birder Kathy…no this Kathy,  for all she does for our community,  is  referred to as Kathy Porter.  I know of no one else that is more deserving of  a last name than  Kathy is.  Thanks Kathy Porter,  for enriching our lives so.

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One Comment

  1. Betty Eich says:

    What fun to read your blog-thoughts! Thank you! I chuckled all the way through your “Carole Who” entry — and love the ending!