The Villages

Thirst for knowledge…

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 19•12

My thirst for knowledge went way overboard this week, and not so sure I should share this,  but I will.  I love the Lifelong Learning College and have attended quite a few classes there, from art to writing, from Kabbalah to self-improvement.  Some I have taken because I want to get better at certain things, some because I want to know more about certain things, and some I take because I really like the instructor, and will sign up for any number of her classes, and have never been disappointed.   This past week I out did myself and went to four different classes.  By the end of the week I felt like I was back in school again full time.  I did have a good time, and am not complaining at all.  The problem I’m having is with one of my selections.  I must have thought it was something I needed to know, something I had heard talked about on TV and in any number of magazines.  It was something that was going to be good for me, maybe save my life, at the very least it was going to make me more vibrant, my skin was going to be younger looking, my hair shinier, I was going to have more energy, I was going to sleep better and if that is not enough, good for my heart and my bones, even my teeth.  Who could resist this class?  The morning of my class, my friend Carole asked me what I was up to today.  Oh, I have a class.  I still was enthused about it, until I said it out loud.  What class are you going to?  A class on Green Smoothies.  You’re taking a green smoothie with you?  No, that is what I am going to learn.   I was in my water aerobic class when I revealed this information, and it spread like wild fire.  Another of my friends makes them all the time and she said you could have stopped by my house and I would have made one for you.  Their reaction reminded me of my son’s reaction when I said I was going to take a class on how to use my Kindle.  Mom read the tutorial, you can do it and if  it really puzzles you, call me.  I’m not sure what his reaction to my Green Smoothie class would be, well on second thought,  I think I know what it would be.   I did attend, and I did learn a lot about the benefits of the Smoothie in the first half of the class, and in the second half we got to taste four or five samples, made all different ways, using all different greens and fruit combinations.  I came home armed with information, and a lot of recipes, so I felt it was worth it.  In retrospect, I must have been either hungry or thirsty when I browsed through the catalog.   I think the following saying should be revised to… never go food shopping or catalog browsing, on an empty stomach.  I might add that when you do that, you do come home with lots of good things you might not have bought.  Same goes for the class, I learned a lot of good things, and had fun to boot.

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One Comment

  1. Charlotte says:

    When I saw you commented, I thought for sure you wanted a recipe for a smoothie…I do appreciate the encouragement, thanks.