The Villages

Where’s Charlotte…

Written By: Charlotte - Aug• 02•17

  ..she wishes she was 10 years old and riding with her Godmother Mary through the streets of Bergen County, New Jersey, in Mary’s 1948 Chrysler convertible.  She felt like the “cat’s meow” and her love of cars was born.   Life was so much simpler, one phone in every home attached to the kitchen wall, mail was mail, not email, one TV in the living room, and yes cars. You had a stick shift for changing gears, gas pedal to make the car go, a  brake pedal to stop it, and an emergency brake to use in the case of an emergency.    That was about it. But not today, I can’t even list all the things a car can do.  It can park itself, walk towards the car and it unlocks itself, wave your hand by the trunk and it opens,  your phone rings in the car and you can talk hands free, it has outlets to charge your phone and computers, press a button and your garage door opens, (on some cars) and GPS navigational system that gets you safely to your desired destination.  That brings me to my title….Where’s Charlotte.   I am having a problem with my GPS that I won’t get into right now, however it might be a fun journey as to how I navigate without one, do I get one, and what if I don’t get one.  When I started my blog I promised no negativity and I stick to that promise. However, the blog has always been to inform people of happenings in and around the Villages.  Where’s Charlotte is a happening that I will keep you informed about…and it will be fun.

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One Comment

  1. Charlotte says:

    Just imagine…a 79 year old without a GPS. I may leave the house and never be seen again. I do think I am going to have to buy a map, if they still make them. Not sure where they even sell them anymore. You know what I’m talking about, don’t you? It’s like a big book, and has all the states in it. Some states are so big they take two pages, which is very confusing, especially for someone 79, well actually 79 1/2.