The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 19•20

….whoops, no I’m not. This actually is my seventh day of being very concerned about the virus, isolating myself from everyone and realizing that this may go on for quite some time. When thinking about what I am going to be doing, I thought reading and watching movies on netflix and amazon prime, but should there be more. Perhaps I could use this time to be productive, catching up on things that I have been procrastinating about. I could go through all the boxes of pictures, I could tackle my closet once and for all, I could go through files that contain obsolete information. My thought process even included cleaning out cabinets, cleaning the garage, writing my obituary. When none of the above appealed to me, other than reading and watching tv and the only thing that made a little sense was writing my obituary, I realized if I dropped the word obituary and thought writing, that may be the answer.
Quite a few years ago I started a blog. I enjoyed thoroughly writing and sharing information about The Villages, personal experiences from present and also my past. I really had a lot of fun writing it. However, in 2015 Sean designed and patented golf cart sun visors, and my life took a sudden turn. ( I abandoned my blog and for two years concentrated on Sean’s business. I have always been encouraged to go back to writing it again and when I do, I find my blog format has changed and I have to relearn everything…blah, blah, blah … and at this point I can’t even figure out how to download pictures from my phone. (I could do it from my old camera, but not my phone??) So if you get to see this just know that I am on a first name basis with Go Daddy technicians and pleading for help from my son Joe, who encouraged and set up my original blog.
Friends I have spoken to have expressed the concern over the virus, but they are almost as concerned about the lack of social interaction with their friends. Hence, I decided to start up my blog again to stay in touch. Instead of sitting over a Chicken Piccata dinner after class, we could just go to the blog and continue our conversations. It would only be a handful of people. But then I thought I’d like to include my sisters, my brother and my children and their spouses, and even my grandsons. (How fun it would be if they actually read their 82 year old grandmother‘s blog, and shared their wisdom and advice with us.)
Hence, instead of writing my obituary I am starting a new life with my blog. I encourage those of you who feel the need to socialize, share what you are doing, see what others are keeping busy with, please leave a comment. If successful it will be fun, uplifting and/or informative. Definitely no politics, no complaining, and no virus news, we get enough of that on the news. Rather again, what are you doing, what are you reading, what wisdom would you like to share?
Hope to hear from you and hope we will all be on the road again soon.

Be aware of anything you send to the blog will be posted for all to see. I will be able to remove comments I do not feel are not in the spirit of the blog. You can send me private comments to

A short explanation. If you go to the blog and read the last several blogs they were posted about the fact I had been scammed by a local car dealer. I tried to seek damages from April to August with no luck. I decided to blog about it and I sent blog to salesman, sales manager and the owner. As they do a lot of business in The Villages, 3 blogs and 3 days later they installed a new $1800 GPS at their expense.

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  1. Charlotte says:

    Loved hearing from you. I find that Henry and Vale’s schedule is a lot like playing might be reading, I enjoy fresh air but not too adventurous, but breakfast, snack, lunch and nap fits right in with what we do here. Your afternoon brought back many fond memories.

  2. Charlotte says:

    Thanks Nancy, we do miss our regular lives but there are some cons to this, such as we no longer have to say to our friends, “can I call you back later I’m rushing out the door right now.” This is a great time to catch up on old acquaintances, the ones we’ve been saying, I really should give them a ring.

  3. Carolyn Ingham says:

    I enjoyed your wit and your stories so much that I am guilted into responding, if for no reason other than to keep you writing. Thank you for giving us a forum to remain in touch without touching. I’m limited here because you specifically said “no complaining… What am I doing to remain sane with NO interaction? Not enough, I suspect. I’ve done the usual closet cleaning, reading, and binge watching TV. I worked on a painting today. Tomorrow I’m going to work on another class for the fall, “Sex and the Supreme Court.” I figure the title might entice a few students. Another thing I’m doing is responding to a blog for the first time in my life!

  4. Charlotte says:

    Just like Mom said, if you live long enough you experience everything. You just experienced responding. Good job!

  5. Carolyn says:

    I just checked in to read your most recent musings. I looked at your pictures more closely and was startled to see that good looking woman in the pink sweater. She appears to be the instructor. Where on Earth did you find it?

    • Charlotte says:

      If you notice that was taken when you were teaching at the Lifelong Learning College. I had taken that with my camera which I was able to download and those pictures are still on the computer. Still having problems with my phone, but I will figure it out.