The Villages

Pajama Boys of Summer…

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 07•12

I can’t believe it happened to me.  For the past several summers we have been returning to the lake community we had retired to, and rented a home for a month. (Sean makes it through two to three weeks and then has Village withdrawal and has to get back, and that’s OK)   It has been wonderful, as I have had my three grandsons with me for the entire month. Actually I have a fourth grandson who is older, is working, has a  girlfriend and has no time to hang out at the lake.  The three with me were teenagers this past summer: two of them were 16 years old and one was 14 years old.  It was a great opportunity for me to reconnect with them, as their parents brought them July 1st and visited them week-ends.   I had very few ground rules, as I was not a parent but a grandparent and that gave me, and them,  special privileges.  I did not monitor soda consumption, until the 2nd week when we were going through cases of soda and they were flying high still at midnight.  Even without soda the kitchen hummed at night as they were very industrious making popcorn, smores and peanut butter cups, and we were flying through Hershey bars, graham crackers and jars of peanut butter at an alarming speed.  Good fun though.  I also did not have a rule about pajamas, mainly because I had forgotten  teenagers love to lounge around all day in them. With that said, the rule was instituted that there would be no pajamas after 12 noon.  They were really good about that;  pajamas, bathing suits, clothes until dark, then pajamas.   The first year we were together I nicknamed them My Pajama Boys of Summer.   Then it happened to me.  This past fall I was in one of the stores in Spanish Springs and they were having a sale on women’s pajamas.  Between the sale price plus  a coupon I purchased them for more than I ever spent on a pair in my life.  I find that at this age, when we do become extravagant we are real good at justifying our actions and we easily convince ourselves we deserve it..we worked hard all our lives.  These pajamas were so expensive I still could not justify them, so I had the clerk gift wrap them and had Sean give them to me for Christmas.  He will pay anything not to Christmas shop.  When I put those pajamas on Christmas morning, I felt like I had reached the pinnacle of my retirement…they were sooo comfortable. Maybe you don’t have pajamas but you know what I am talking about, it is that comfortable something you put on that you would not go to the store in, if you take them off you put them right back on just as soon as you can. If you have something on your feet, you wouldn’t go to the store with them either.  This March I will be visiting my Grandsons and I can hardly wait to  join them on the couch in my pajamas.  They will probably ask me what took me so long to realize what comfort is all about.   I’ll allow them to think they are smarter than I am, and I won’t tell them I can wear mine all day.  They will have to be a lot older and wiser to find that out.  I’ll share a secret though, I have another gift box wrapped that Sean is giving me for Valentine’s Day, because you just can’t have one.

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One Comment

  1. Charlotte says:

    Moral to the above comment. While the parents are away, the grandparents play.