The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 23•20
…for two days I’ve been working with this new format. I really want to get pictures with the blog and still have not mastered it, (picture should be at the top with dialogue alongside it) however I want you all to stay in touch and share anything that you are doing that is making your days more enjoyable. I did get through this week, however I have to admit that trying to solve my computer problems makes me feel like my friend above looks. My Mother once said that if you live long enough you will experience everything. I have to believe that is very true when it comes to computers. I have experienced everything from rage, potential violence, colorful language, realization of my ignorance, but perhaps the best lesson I have learned is patience. So please be patient with me, as I am getting there slowly but surely.

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One Comment

  1. Charlotte says:

    Karen you are much younger than I and probably don’t read as many obituaries as I do. I’ve been reading a lot of them lately and wonder what Sean and my sons would write about me. Therefore, I think many of us start thinking about what we would want our obituaries to say. So perhaps if we write it ourselves and put it with our important papers, they may say great and hand it over to the paper. I should probably go through some pictures to leave also. Hmm, do I want the 35 yr. Charlotte’s picture, maybe 55 yr., definitely not the 65 or 75 yr. old…………..