The Villages

This will be a…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 28•20

…short one. I was made aware of more classes. If you have Comcast as your cable provider, go to demand, scroll down to Day of The Week in the left menu, scroll across to Free Preview, scroll down to The Great Courses. There are 219 courses that you can take free from March 20 to April 19th. Not sure how to get to it with other providers, but because Great Courses is a national program, if not world wide, they are probably offered to all. Happy searching and happy learning, or meditating, or exercising, or being mindfulness, or healthier, or becoming an artist, and so forth and so on. They are there for you to enjoy.

PS…Great Courses is only one of 100 or more programs you can get free.

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One Comment

  1. Charlotte says:

    Thanks for being the one to encourage me to originally do this. When I first read your comment I thought it said what’s going on with older people, but then I reread other people. It reminds me that my 86 year old sister was called elder. She was extremely upset that they considered her elder. She replied to the person I may be older, but I’m not elder. I guess I could say I’m not elder, nor older but other.