The Villages

How smart…

Written By: Charlotte - Apr• 17•20

…do you think you are. Here’s a riddle for you.

? What is greater than God and more evil than the devil? The rich need it and the poor have it. And if you eat it, you will die.

?? It was a very stormy day. The wind gusted up to seventy-five miles an hour. Joseph entered his apartment and noticed that he had left the window wide open A strong wind was blowing the curtains into the room. In front of the window was an empty table. Joseph saw some broken glass and a puddle of water on the floor near the table. Just a few inches away, Mike and Ike were lying dead on the floor. How did they die?

If you know the answers leave them in comment, I will post in comments tomorrow what they are. Amazing what I will do to amuse myself.

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  1. Carole Michaels says:

    I don’t have a clue about this riddle. Just wanted to tell my friend she is such a gifted writer and how much I enjoy reading her blog! Please keep writing these oh so clever blogs for all to enjoy, really appreciate you Charlotte.

  2. Charlotte says:

    Thanks Carole, the checks in the mail. Only kidding, I’m glad you enjoy it as I have fun doing it and it helps pass the time.

  3. Charlotte says:

    Not sure why this comment didn’t post but here I go again.

    #1 is Nothing

    #2 Mike and Ike were goldfish.