The Villages

Stay calm…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 04•20

…and carry on. My days have been just a little frazzled lately, nothing earth shattering but today I’m getting a little closer to screaming, more so than I have in the past. I feel embarrassed even talking about what has me a little over the edge as the things are pretty petty. For instance, Sean not receiving a package from Amazon that contains a product that will let him continue a project he has going in the garage. Tracking said it was delivered Thursday so it seems every 5 mins since Thursday it surfaces as a problem. Several phone calls to the Post Office, trips to postal station where it should be. I think you get the picture. I had a package that was suppose to be delivered a few weeks ago according to the tracking, never got it and it is a medical supply that I can’t get again for 6 months as insurance won’t pay.. Trying to straighten that out. How many buttons do I have to push to get the message – wait time 1 hour. Sean cleaned up after dinner, had leftover meat and gravy, and he threw the gravy away. Thought I hit on a great way to get produce, a farm stand, went to four yesterday and they were all closed, it was Sunday. I did have a nice two hour drive though. See, all of the above is nothing I should complain about. Unfortunately though when I become distracted I can’t write, so I really felt I want and should write and that was what was really eating at me. Until, I thought of Winston Churchill’s quote. Stay calm and carry on. How appropriate is that? So I was off and running with that quote. When I looked for images of Churchill I wanted to start with one where he didn’t look to calm and end up blog with the picture you see. Success…we can get through all this if we just stay calm. Every picture I wanted would not allow me to save it. Couldn’t figure what I was doing wrong. I had never had a problem. Tried this, tried that, and most of all tried to stay calm. Finally, like a child running to their mother for the answer, I ran to google. Why can’t I save a picture of Churchill? Because you didn’t pay a Royalty fee. Oh ok, so I figured my google mother would also help me with that, royalty free images of Churchill and up came some. Interestingly there were many pictures but I felt the peace sign gave me hope that all will be fine, and that certainly is a calming thought. Also along the path of my Winston googling I came across many Churchill quotes, which if you google you may find as interesting as I did. By all means, stay calm.

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One Comment

  1. Charlotte says:

    While I was writing this blog Sean went to mailbox..and…his package was there, my medical package from March 6th was there, and 12 rolls of toilet paper. A lesson in being calm, or more likely a lesson in why we should be staying calm.