The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 22•20

…extremely bored. A few days ago I woke up and really felt down in the dumps which made me realize that I was just bored. I seem to be sleeping more, but yet am tired more. I should be full of energy but have no energy. None of this is making any sense to me. I have been relatively happy watching Netflix, You Tube, reading, and doing things I enjoyed. I wasn’t doing things I should have been doing like decluttering my closet, sorting through pictures and the like. In the past I would work on my blog and it would entertain me (if not you) and I could come up with topics. With this black cloud hovering over me I headed to the computer to work on a blog and could not come up with anything. My boredom had infiltrated my ability to think or care that I couldn’t think. I turned to my next best friend, Google, to help me understand boredom or what to do about it. So I googled boredom, no I was experiencing extreme boredom so I type “extreme boredom”. The first thing that popped up was there is no such thing as extreme boredom and people who use that expression are immature. Well, that woke me up and made me sit up straight in my chair. OK, let’s see how I can snap out of this. Google will give me some ideas and it did. It told me to google “how does a 10 year old live in Ethiopia, Sudan, Bosnia or El Salvador”. I didn’t do that but I’m sure I would have been very thankful for what I have. I continued on my search and was told to bake some cookies and give them away, scrub the kitchen floor of a friend, wash a neighbor’s dishes. Then it said I should develop some inner amusement skills. Hmm, how do you do that? So you know what I did next. I was told that we learned inner amusement skills at a very early age, that when we went to our parents and said I’m bored, we were told to go find something to do. I do vividly remember being told that and I also remember retrieving an empty shoebox affording me many hours of inner amusement. It was my doll’s bed, it collected grass and caterpillars, it stored any number of things and now that I have bored you I am happy to say I am no longer bored.

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One Comment

  1. Charlotte says:

    I can’t believe I’ve read and reread this blog and never noticed I spelled the title wrong. Borded…I will change it momentarily…