The Villages

Just do it!

Written By: Charlotte - Feb• 24•11

We are never too old to learn, we just need to have someone sitting at our computer doing it for us, and telling us click here and click there. We write down the directions, and as long as we follow them (which is a problem) we do it. On a suggestion from my daughter-in-law Laura, I wanted to write a Blog…not sure how it will evolve….not sure what I will say, and perhaps more concerned as to what you will say, I am jumping in with both feet and launching this. I should fess up, my son launched my blog, and now it is up to me, and you, to keep it going. I thought it would be fun to use this as a vehicle to share what’s happening in The Villages, there are so many stories. It will not be political, it will not be negative.  If you have any suggestions, would like to advise me, share your blogging knowledge with me,  I would more than appreciate it and would really welcome it.  Ignorance is not always bliss, especially when sharing it over the internet.  Let me hear from you.

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  1. Carol says:

    Great job Charlotte.

  2. Carolyn Ingham says:

    Good for you, Charlotte! This is great.