The Villages

Small world…

Written By: Charlotte - May• 16•12

Every once in awhile some one will tell you a very amazing story about connecting with long lost friends, or relatives in The Villages. One such story was a friend of ours went to play cards one night at one of the Recreation Centers. He sat down and introductions were made and then the inevitable question, “where are you from?” Turns out they were from the same town on Long Island, went to the same schools, lived two blocks away, and the one actually knew the others’ sister very well. It turns out that the others’ sister lives in The Villages and of course they enjoyed a get together a few weeks later. My story is not quite as amazing as that, but almost. I’ve written in the past about my good friend Kathy Porter. Kathy is not only a neighbor across the Pontono, but I enjoy other activities with her. Today we were going to a neighborhood luncheon (Polly’s Pantry in Wildwood, really good) and we got talking about “where are you from?”. I knew she was from Staten Island, but she was unaware I was from New Jersey. Kathy was talking about jobs she had in NJ, and she said she also came to NJ to square dance. Here’s the story. I told her I had square danced in the late 70’s. She asked me what was the name of the club I belonged to and even after 35 years, I said the West Milford Flutterwheels. Kathy exclaimed..we danced with the Flutterwheels. Turns out she was familiar with our club, and asked me if I remember the Newsletter..either the Four Square or Square Four, not sure which, but I did remember having it. Turns out Kathy wrote it. Imagine 35 or 40 years ago I was reading articles written by my good friend and present neighbor.  To think we were do-si-doing then,  and we are  do-si-doing (in other activities)  now.   I think that is something to really flutter about.

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One Comment

  1. Betty Eich says:

    The words “small world” seem inadequate for such coincidences! Amazing connections.