The Villages


Written By: Charlotte - Jun• 14•12

As anyone is aware that has been following my blog, there is no rythme nor reason to the subjects I blog about. There is no continuity from one day to the next, and there are no axes to grind, no political opinions, and nothing negative. I think I am in a retirement frame of mind, I’ve fought the battles to keep power tower lines away from my home in NJ, I’ve knocked on doors and licked envelopes promoting my favorite candidates, and negativity has never been a part of my dna. I think I was taught, don’t complain do something about it, and if you don’t do something about it then don’t complain. I will say though, that what got me started blogging was my love of The Villages: the developer, the residents, the volunteers, the activities, the recreation centers, the country clubs, and the over all aesthetics. Aesthetics, the word came to me when I looked out my back window this morning and saw the water fowl returning to the preserve behind my house, the sun was just coming up and then the word appeared. I decided I wanted to use that word, and forgetting about spell check, I grabbed my dictionary to look it up. The nice thing about a dictionary is you get to read the definition, and that is half the reward for checking the spelling. Aesthetics n: science or theory of beautiful. Aesthetics adj: sensitive to beauty in art or nature. I can’t think of better noun or adjective to describe the many, many views in The Villages. The sunsets on the Lake Sumter bridge, the many lake and golf course views, the buildings in the downtown areas, Spanish Springs, Lake Sumter Landing and soon to be Brownwood, the Veterans Park at Mira Mesa Lake, the exteriors and interiors or our recreation centers, Savannah Center, Church on the Square. How about the entrance to the Glenview Country Club, with ponds and waterfall. If you have never watched the ducklings try to follow their mothers up the waterfall to the larger pond, you might want to try it. Or the Polo fields with the magnificent horses…and their riders,equally magnificent. I know we are referred to as the friendliest hometown, and healthiest hometown, maybe it should be the The Villages n: The friendliest, healthiest, most aesthetically pleasing hometown. I think Webster would approve.

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  1. Betty Eich says:

    I agree with you. I’m “up north” now — and missing the sights you’re describing. BTW — check out my Villages photography in a gallery on my website — See you when we get back. In the mean time, I’ll catch you in blogs.

  2. Charlotte says:

    Betty, I visited your website and especially enjoyed your pictures of The Villages, all of them were great, I advise anyone reading this to go to