The Villages

What’s Black to Them…

Written By: Charlotte - Nov• 24•12

Is Red to me. I guess I never gave it much thought as to why it is called Black Friday. I think I thought it referred to standing in long lines, which would be very unpleasant, difficult, dismal or in other words described as Black. As you see I didn’t put much thought into it until this year. We celebrated a quiet Thanksgiving at home and as the football games rolled on,  I read the paper. I guess in the past I never read the paper on Thanksgiving and I am now starting to see bargains. Poinsettias for 88 cents. $50 items are now $14.99, wow, as I leafed through the circulars my excitement escalated. Now they have me hooked. I set aside the stores I wanted to visit and saw that one opened at 12am Nov. 23rd. Oh boy I better get there. The wheels are now churning, don’t I fall asleep watching TV and wake up about 12am and go off to bed, I’ll get dressed and head out. Well, I woke up and went to bed, thinking it might not be safe but really wanting to jump in my warm bed. I wake up early around 5am every day, I’ll go then, there won’t be many. Well I woke up at 5am but really wanted to have coffee and relax a little. I did get out by 6 am and walked right into my first store where there were no lines, however I was the last to get ten 88 cent poinsettias. That made it worth getting here.   At my second store there also were no lines and few people in the store. I shopped for about an hour and got many bargains. Everything was in fives – five men’s, five women’s, five children’s…as I was leaving I walked right up to the register and checked out, no lines. However, I noticed the crowd swelling and you could barely get through the isles.  I did have to dodge and weave to get out of the store and that made me feel good as it was a reminder that this was Black Friday. As I drove home I thought Black Friday was not so Black, it starts around 7:30 am in the Villages, no camping out for us. We did our time in yesteryear. When I got home and unloaded my car I really felt I had accomplished something worthwhile and exciting, to think  that I had participated in Black Friday and it was not bad at all.  Until I read the paper today and it is called Black Friday as that is the day the Department Stores get out of the Red and into the Black. Well, if they went into the Black it must mean someone went into the Red.   Oh, that’s what they mean.   To add insult to injury, as Sean literally scratched his head he asked, why did you buy 10 poinsettias, I had to think for a minute, because they were 88 cents and the store is now in the Black and I’m in the Red.


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One Comment

  1. Betty Eich says:

    HA! Clever article!