The Villages

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

I found it…

I found the secret to The Villages and what makes it so great.  I recently was reading a book about retirement, and what makes for a happy retirement, etc. etc. etc.  All of a sudden the phrase No Automatic Relationship Generator jumped out at me and it made me really think.  For some people retirement […]

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Can’t help but smile…

when I come up behind a golf cart with the driver’s arm around his black Lab, both looking from side to side, enjoying the ride, the weather and the day. If I was Norman Rockwell I would probably run back to my studio and paint another cover for Life Magazine, but seeing as I am […]

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for the abrupt departure from my last blog, but sometimes when I get on the computer time flies really fast,  I lose track of time and then I have to do what I did, leave in mid thought. I’ll try not to do that again. On that same subject of activities, yesterday I had invited […]

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What do you do…

in Florida. I was asked this many times while visiting in New Jersey, and I sometimes wondered if I had moved to another part of New Jersey would I have been asked the same question. In some cases the question was asked with a very compassionate tone of voice, or other times with a tinge […]

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Get Ready…

Get set…Go.  I’ve been back home in The Villages for almost a week now and it is amazing how I have been an observer of activities.  I felt like an outsider looking in, being blown away once again thinking of how many things I could do, and yet doing nothing.  Oh, I am almost completely […]

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Home Again, Home Again…

Jiggety Jog. I made it back, and although it was hard to leave everyone it was great to get home. I think that is always the way, we hate packing but love going away, when we are there the time goes so fast, but we love getting home. Packing to come home is easy, unpacking […]

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Since spending time with my sons and their families, I’m getting to appreciate the saying and the feelings  TGIF brings.  It probably is  sympathy pains I am feeling, but as we all know sympathy pains are real.   Being in The Villages I am far away from the hustle and bustle of families with teenagers,  but now that I am […]

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It’s me and as I promised:  no politics, no religion, and no negativity.  A few of you reading this will know what I am talking about and I welcome you to my blog, if this is the first time you have visited it.  I feel a little rusty writing, and that perhaps is why I […]

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On the road again…

I’m leaving this morning for NJ for a month or so. I thought tropical storm Debbie was going to delay my start, but it looks like she has decided to come in a little more south than predicted. Thank you Debbie, glad you won’t be traveling with me. Sean will be joining me later in […]

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Be careful what you wish for…

We have wanted so badly for the preserve behind our house to fill up with water, as every little bit of rain we have gotten over the past several years has not stopped it from getting dryer and dryer each year. When the water goes away, so does the wildlife. Gone are the days of […]

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