The Villages

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Welcome Back…

We welcome back our snowbirds…new and old. Many may be here for the first time, and others have come back year after year, to enjoy our warmer winter climate. I say that with tongue in cheek, as I think my thermometer says 30 degrees. We had such great weather up until now, however it is […]

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Volunteers – The heart of The Villages…

I am just so amazed at the dedication of the residents that volunteer to teach us any thing you could ever imagine.   I understand there are now close to  2000 activities in the Villages.  In most cases, no cost to the participants and  all run by volunteers, and I have to say very dedicated volunteers, as they […]

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The Villages did it again…

New Year’s Eve Sean and I were on our way to the Bowling Alley, our silence was broken with Sean asking what fingers do I put in the bowling ball? You’re  asking me? I hadn’t bowled in over 40 years, and even though I don’t remember a lot lately, I specifically remember the last time […]

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Discovering the secret to retirement….

      My sister Jane from California was visiting recently, and she like myself is retired,  yet is involved in different projects relating to her profession.  As we were discussing retirement, she said what she disliked the most was that things she fit into her day prior to retirement,  such as  shopping,  washing clothes,  cleaning,  dentist & doctor appointments,  getting a hair […]

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