The Villages

Exercise works…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 10•13

If you don’t think it does, just stop doing it for awhile and then go back and see how you feel. For years I did water aerobics and I did them seven days a week. I then went down to six days, then five days and then I started watching the thermometer. If it was under 50 degrees I did not go, then 55 degrees and so on. Well, you know what happened, I stopped going all together because the mornings were pretty chilly. Luckily I have friends that don’t give up on me and make it their mission to get me back in the pool. The weather has been in the 80’s the past few days, which makes the mornings in the high 60’s. The pools are heated to 84 degrees, so it is very pleasant and I had no excuse for not going, other than sheer laziness on my part. I got ready, brought my swimming paraphernalia out to the car to put in the trunk, forgot my keys and went back in to get them and be on my way. Came out, jumped in the car and promptly drove over my equipment. The amazing thing is that when I heard the funny noise I kept right on backing up trying to figure out what the noise was. When my intellect could not figure it out I stopped the car, got out and there was my equipment under the car, instead of in the trunk. I pulled forward retrieved it, and thought only the bag had holes in it from the muffler. It was together enough to hold everything so I went on my way. When I got to the pool and got my weights out I noticed the ends were broken, but it did not effect their effectiveness so that was fine.  Then the funny thing was, because this was a deep water class we wear arm bands, mine now had skid marks on them. I looked around to see if anyone was looking as I tried to rub the marks off, but to no avail. They didn’t come off. I put them on anyway, and actually thought I looked pretty tough with skid marks on my arms.  Needless to say I was not too tough.  I had not been in quite awhile and any doubt I had whether water aerobics gave me a good workout was immediately erased, as exercises that were easy when I did it all the time, were no longer easy.  I fought cramps in my ankles, feet and legs and now know that I have to get back into the routine of getting out to exercise.  As you do feel good when it is over. Exercise does work and so does friendship.   Thanks, my cool weather friend, for not giving up on me.

It’s A Hard Job…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 07•13

Being a Grandparent. There are certain things that happen in your life that you never forget. People say things and at the time they say it you can’t identify with what they said, but boy it comes back to you year after year after year. I am talking about what my mail carrier said to me  forty-five years ago. It was an especially hot summer day and  a very tiring day running after two rambunctious boys.  I was walking up the street to my house, a two year old in one hand and a four year old in the other. As I walked they jumped and walked, twirled and walked and leaped and walked. Ruth was just putting mail into my mailbox and I guess saw the exasperated expression on my face. She rolled down the window and said, “Charlotte, at least you put them to bed at 7:00pm and you know where they are, just wait until you have teenagers, once they drive then your worries just begin.” I really thought what a great idea, they are grown and I don’t have to give them baths, they can drive themselves, no more trips to Nursery School, I really couldn’t identify with what Ruth said, that is until the two of them were teenagers. Fifteen years later Ruth is still  delivering my mail and after an exhausting night of worry, as now they are driving, I saw her and reminded her of what she had said, and told her how right she was.  She replied with “Oh, you think this stage is difficult, wait until you are a Grandparent, now you see what they are doing and you can’t say a word.  At least as a parent you have a certain amount of control.  Grandparent?  Forget it, you have to just watch and you can’t say anything.”  Once again being a Grandparent seemed easier than being a parent of teenagers.  However, as in the past, Ruth’s words come back to me.  In one respect,  I don’t feel I have wanted to say anything as they have been really good kids, and truthfully I probably would have spoken up if I thought necessary, but you do worry and there is not a thing you can do.  Perhaps you wouldn’t worry as much if your own children had not shared years later all their escapades, and what they did to fool you and what they got away with when they were teenagers.  The worry was brought home to me this past week when my oldest Grandson, who is a senior and a member of the High School Glee Club, sang a  Frank Sinatra hit with the Jazz Band accompanying him, at their Winter Concert, fedora, suit and all.     It was one of those times you wished you were living close by so that you could go, but even though you were not there, the nerves leading up to the Concert were still the same.  My advice to him was a little different than what I would have given my own sons, as I think I am wiser now,  and that was…Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone, nothing can ever replace the feeling of accomplishment.   You are going to feel so good when it is over.  At the time it probably didn’t make him feel any better, but I’m sure my words came back afterwards.  as he did feel good and he did love it.   We were all nervous for and with him, but he did just fine, as my son said he would…but oh did I worry.  I don’t know what I would have done if I were there.

The Villages Craft Festival..

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 05•13

Is today and tomorrow, January 5th and 6th, at Spanish Springs Town Square, 10 a.m to 5 p.m.  This is the 12th annual event and will feature crafters from all over the country. They will be displaying and selling their glassworks, paintings, photography, leathergoods, jewelry and much more. In the past I have enjoyed frequenting the booths that sell the tasty dips, sauces, jelly and jams. For those of you who love garlic, there has been a booth that specifically sells all sorts of garlic products. I’m quite sure they will be there this year also. I have to laugh at myself. I can’t help but notice that I am fixated on the food booths…next I’ll be writing about the Chili Cookoff and the many Restaurants with their delicious meals and how about the wonderful Ice Cream stores, Donut shops and let’s not forget about the popcorn at the movies. Could it be that I have been dieting for four days now? Perhaps, but do go to the Craft Festival as there are many, many things to see,  along with the food.  The weather is gorgeous today..a perfect day to be out.  Enjoy the fun.

Central Florida…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 04•13

Did you ever think you would be living in Central Florida? You came, you visited, you moved here. What did your friends think when you told them you were moving to Central Florida? They came, they visited and they moved here too. And your children, were they concerned about your choice of Central Florida? They too came and they visited, can’t move here yet, but I’m sure many are looking forward to doing just that in the future. I know mine are happy I’m here now, but their first reaction was disbelief. It was amazing how I had to get my courage up to tell them and the words..we’ve been abandoned and we’re orphans now, still rings in my ears. Very dramatic thoughts said in jest, but with a bit of truth to it. I tried to soften the news with you have to come and see The Villages and then you will understand. They did come and visit and they did understand. I know they feel good about my being here and I think it is a bit like dropping your child off at a good day care center. You don’t have to worry about them because they are safe, they are having fun, and they are happy.   They see how their friends worry about their aging parents, especially in the winter now with bad weather. My sons tell them they have to get them to visit  The Villages and the rest will be history.    They talk our Hometown up, as if they were on the payroll.   We do too.  The other day I was in Leesburg getting my car serviced and I happened to be talking to a gentleman who proceeded to tell me he lived in The Villages. I told him I did too but he continued telling me about it.  His story was familiar, he bought a house in a few days and then told his children who insisted he was too young to go to a retirement community in Florida.  That was of course until they came, were spectators at his baseball game and realized this was like no other retirement community.  I always feel like I get a shot of adrenaline when I see and hear the enthusiasm people have about The Villages, not only visitors and new residents, but from residents who have been here many years.   I started this blog out wanting to talk about the flocks of  American White Pelicans, but got a little sidetracked.  They too are here in The Villages.  The first time I saw them I could not believe it..they came from Wisconsin, they visited and they stayed. They are joined by the Whistling Ducks and Wood Storks (these storks don’t deliver babies).   All in Central Florida, who would have thought?

Happy New Year…

Written By: Charlotte - Jan• 02•13

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, a year where everything wonderful happens for you. I’ve been so caught up with the Holidays that, as I am sure you have noticed,  I have not been blogging. My sister visited from Virginia and I was able to keep up with her, of course that is what I say, she may be saying she slowed down for me. We visited Cedar Key one day and the Morse Museum in Winter Park another, then wound up yesterday on the beach at Cocoa Beach. She returned home refreshed from her vacation and I slumped into my favorite chair and promptly fell asleep. I chalked up her high energy to the fact that she is 14 years younger than I am, is in tip top shape and was on vacation, which automatically reves up the enthusiasm for visiting new places. We had a great time each day and I will return very soon to Winter Park, as I thoroughly enjoyed the museum and would like to go back and spend more time there. As far as New Year’s Resolutions are concerned I checked back on my blog of January 2012 and I didn’t do too bad…I think I was really good most of the year and then fell down during the month of December.  I guess that is the dreaded reward stage of accomplishments, where you did quite well so you have a right to reward yourself.  My resolutions were: 1) I would blog five times a week, and I almost did that. B. 2) I would lose weight and I did, but went overboard on rewarding myself in December. B-. That is high again on my list this year.  3) I would exercise more. No comment  C-.  4)  Plan trip to Ireland. A. We will be spending the month of July in Newmarket, County Cork, Ireland.  That area is close to where Sean was born and raised and he has family, sister and brothers near by.  5) Have not planned trip to Colorado, which was on my resolution list.  F, or IC.  I much prefer saying that my assignment was incomplete as to I failed.  However,  I really did better than I thought, but will definitely hit the refresh button and continue forward in 2013 doing the same and hopefully surprising myself next January.  Wishing you good fortune and resolution success in the year 2013.


Christmas trees and books…

Written By: Charlotte - Dec• 25•12

My Mother was a Librarian so it only stands to reason that my siblings and I were exposed to books at a very, very early age, probably pre-natal.  My memories of my childhood home were the fireplace, the bookcase that took up the entire wall next to it, and the window seat, on top of a radiator,  where I would go to warm up after playing in the snow, dry my mittens and watch the birds at the feeder, that was  next to the window and the evergreen tree.  I always looked forward to the weekly trip to the Ridgewood Library and my visit to the children’s section  downstairs, where I could pick out books to bring home.  I specifically remember the day my Mother said I could stay downstairs by myself and pick out books, take them to the little table that was provided for children and sit and read until she came back. I had to be around four years old as we would go to the library when my sisters were in school. From that day on the weekly trip took on more importance, as it meant for a short period of time,  I was completely on my own, in a world where even the furniture was my size.  How grown up was that?  I have to mention there was a Librarian there with me, but still  in my mind I was alone. There was a period in my life where I was too busy with other thoughts and activities that I didn’t read.  It really bothered one of my sisters that I could sit without a book and just stare into space, absorbed in my own thoughts.  It  was easy, I was a teenager.  Fast forward to yesterday and while sharing a Holiday conversation with one of my sisters,  she mentioned she had made a Christmas tree out of books. I thought what a clever idea, but couldn’t quite imagine it.  She emailed a picture to me and I loved it.  I took it a step farther and googled Christmas trees made from books and up popped many sites to look at.  At one site it said share on pinterest, I clicked that and it came up on my site on pinterest.  While on pinterest I thought let me check out my Va. sister’s site, and when I did that,  what a surprise,  she had a Christmas tree made out of books too.   I think Mom would be so happy to see that her love of books lives on.  You are probably thinking what does this have to do with The Villages.  Well,  The Villages has three libraries, the Mark Twain Library at the Paradise Recreation Center, the library at 325 Belvedere Blvd., and the new one at 7375 Powell Road.  We also have the Marion, Lake and Sumter County Libraries close by.   We have lots of Christmas Trees in The Villages, and who knows, there may be one made out of books in one of the libraries.   I wouldn’t be surprised.  In the meantime,  I want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  I tried to forward just a picture of a Christmas tree out of books  and couldn’t do it, however I forwarded a site where you can see what it looks like.  Enjoy.


I’ve Been Hearing…

Written By: Charlotte - Dec• 23•12

how great the shows have been this Christmas and Holiday season and thought it would be a nice idea to list the many entertainment opportunities we have available the next week or so.   If you are like I am, I know there is a lot going on but not sure where to get the information.  I know they come out with a calendar the beginning of each month telling you what the entertainment is for that month, but if you don’t keep it or misplace it, you are left wondering.  Have you ever wanted to know what is going on the next week because you have out of town guests coming, or you just want to make sure to catch the good shows yourself.  I figured that would be a nice gift I could pass along to you all, go here and here is the list.  Well, I started going to sites I thought would have that information, and when I am researching something like this, I have a piece of paper that I jot  notes down on.  Usually a half of a piece of paper is sufficient, however I used two pieces of paper jotting down information.  I found of list of 21 entertainment opportunties between now and the end of the year.  I found another list that gave me an additional 22 more shows between now and the end of January.  I am now up to 43 things I could do.  I started noting things like Magic Breaking The Sound Barrier, Internationist Pianists, Smokey Joe’s Cafe, VCPO Beethoven’s Eroica, Mo Vints Hermonicats and realized that I had 37 more shows to notate.  There has to be a better way.  I continued searching and thought the box office, I can get it all there.  Yes, if you have to buy a ticket, but many of our shows are free, so I made a few more notes, and continued my search.  After more than an hour my head was swimming, I’m not sure wheter it was from the information I was furiously compiling or the two cups of coffee I was consuming.  I finally took a deep breath and said this is not like The Villages to make me go through hoops to find this information.  They make everything easy for us, so why am I having such a hard time.  I truly believe in my heart that The Villages does everything right, so what am I doing wrong?  The answer was right in front of me.  It was so easy that I didn’t see it.   It was so easy that any one with limited computer skills could find it.  It was a beautiful site to find.  Anything you want to know,  what’s happening today, click…what’s happening at Savannah Center, click…Church On The Square, click…I was so excited when I found it yet felt so stupid for not finding it sooner.   Here is my gift to you…go to and at the top menu click on Lifestyle.  On the menu on the left click on Live Entertainment.  I suggest for people not familiar with our entertainment to click on the individual site such as Church On The Square as it  will tell you about the Church (actually it is a Church but is used more for performing arts), there is a slide show and then the schedule.  If you want to know what is happening today, click on  that, or if you want to know what is going on next week, or next month click on all entertainment.  It’s as easy as 1,2,3, actually easier and you have it all at your finger tips.  Once again I have to congratulate The Villages for doing what they are doing and that is enriching our lives in so many ways and oh yes at the same time,  making it all easy.

Only two more days…

Written By: Charlotte - Dec• 22•12

Time flies when you are having fun and I guess, even when you aren’t. It has been quite a number of days since I last wrote and it is because of many things, of which side tracked is probably the biggest one. Also, I blog best in the morning and lately I had to get Jacinta’s, Sean’s, Michael’s, Joe’s and Peter’s gifts and their family gifts bought, wrapped and shipped, and could not forget my little buddy Jonathan and his mother. So each morning I got up and headed to the post office with another box. They have all arrived safely and now I am reaping the benefit of being all done. I never was one that had everything done. Christmas eve was always a flurry of activity…still getting last minute things, wrapping, baking cookies, children and the dog bouncing off the walls with excitement, but that was Christmas to me. I’ll never forget when Joe was in High School and had a very steady girlfriend. My house was always a bit chaotic and I never worried if things were out of place, but his girlfriend’s home was beautiful, immaculate, decorated weeks before, cookies were all perfectly round, same size…her home could have been a page from Good Housekeeping. I always felt I could do better in that department but I guess never worried enough to actually do it. This one Christmas eve she asked me if she could come and help me. I said sure, but felt bad that a 17 year old would give up time with friends to help me do things her Mother had done weeks before. I really felt guilty and kept telling her to go be with your friends.   Instead, she asked if her friends could come too. It seemed important to her so I said sure, but really felt awful that she was recruiting others to help me. They came, we wrapped, we baked, we sang Christmas caroles as flour flew around the kitchen and when they were leaving I heard her say, I told you..isn’t it just like Christmas here? Oh boy, that is all I had to hear, the next year I was back up to my old tricks again with one exception, no guilt and my chaos had a name… it was Christmas spirit. So my Christmas spirit was last week as I scurried to get everything done. Now, my feet are up and  the packages are arriving, and now I’m the one counting the days until I can open them.  Only two more days

Einstein’s Daughter…

Written By: Charlotte - Dec• 14•12

I’ve written often about the physical feats of many of our Village residents, ie dragon boaters, pickleball players, archers and the many records broken and medals won. Another achievement that is prevalent here, is the intelligence of many of our residents. I am continually being blown away with their superior knowledge, whether it be in literature, history, current events, psychology, law you name it or their artistic talents;  drawing, painting, sculpturing, writing poems, books etc.  I come from a family that has some very smart and highly educated members, but you know in those families there is always one who thinks outside the box, years ago I was probably considered the black sheep. I think I got much more attention from not being so smart, so you see I was the one having all the fun. Homework? Talk on the Telephone? I don’t have to tell you what I was doing. Also, because I was dodging a lot of questions about what was I doing, I developed great sales skills which is the direction my career took. It is only now in my later years that I regret that I did not pay more attention, if only to be better at trivia and the New York Times crossword puzzles. Anyway, I get really really impressed with many Villager’s knowledge. For example,  the other day at the Civil Discourse Club’s meeting the discussion was Freedom of the Press in the Internet Age.  The presenter took us back to the early 1600 and named the first press that ran off printed material for people to read, he then took us through the different eras and how the politicians and the Countries reacted to the written word.  Iknow I over simplified it but it was really interesting.  After the presentation was over the members are open to discussion and one very, very knowledgeable individual got up and said that actually the Chinese had printed words 1000 years before.  There was some discussion about what was the name of the press and he didn’t know that, which is understandable, but the fact he knew about the 1000 years before was impressive enough for me.   A woman got up and because it was  her first meeting she introduced herself  and said  she was considered a ridge runner  raised in a coal mining town in Kentucky.    Visions of the Coal Miner’s Daughter flashed through my mind, and yet as she spoke her intelligence shone through and  everyone listened intently,  She was a wealth of information.  At the end of her discussion, she off handedly mentioned the name of the press in the 1500s that no one the prior member did not know.   What, you really knew that? I am  just so impressed and think it is wonderful that the Villages attracts such a versatile group of people from all over the world and that they are willing to share their years of study with us.  Did Einstein come from Kentucky?  Could this be his Daughter?

Communication and love…

Written By: Charlotte - Dec• 12•12

In the study of  Numerology all numbers are reduced and 1+2=3 and the number 3 is about communication and love.  Therefore today 12/12/12 is about how we learn to accept and communicate unconditional love to mankind. What a beautiful thought.  There have been many things said about these numbers and this date.  Regarding the number 12 there have been 12 zodiac signs, 12 pairs of human ribs, 12 days of Christmas, 12 apostles of Jesus, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 months in a year, 12 hues in a color wheel, 12 keys on a telephone, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 inches in a foot, 12 face cards in a deck and 12 humans walked on Earth’s moon.  Pretty impressive.  As far as the date goes the last 12/12/12 was in 1912 and the next will be 2112.  The closest like date will be in 01/01/01 and that is Dec. 1, 2101.  Communication and love…what a peaceful thought for today, and as a matter of fact, any day.