The Villages

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

They grew up so fast…

                 I was looking through some pictures when I came across this one taken only a few short years ago.  Two of them have recently gotten their drivers licenses, and the third one is a few months away from getting his permit.  These are my pajama boys of summer, who I have written about in the past.  I’ve […]

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A good time was…

had by all. Saturday evening, the Monday, Wednesday, Friday Golf Group got together for their Annual Party. The party was planned for 60 people, however the flu ruined the plans of several, and we wound up with a healthy and lively 56 people. This was the second year we have done this, and that is […]

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Rise and Shine…

It’s time to get up, rise and shine. That was a familiar greeting I received as a young child and also greeted my children with for years. As I think of today’s activities in The Villages, it probably is the most appropriate thing to say. Rise and Shine, y’all.  I added y’all since moving to […]

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As I wrote about yesterday, it  was my Book Club meeting and I said I was going to talk about Daisy.  Well, I didn’t get a chance to share that story, although joined in on other stories.  I do want to tell you about my feelings about this Club, and the great people in it.  Anyone who […]

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Where have I been…

Anyone who knows me well,  knows that the week of our book club meeting I lay pretty low.  I am doing something I should have done all month, and that is read the book.  This month the book was Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake by Anna Quindlen, which is about her life and thoughts […]

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So much to do…

so little time. Sean has a saying, when God made time he made plenty of it. Normally when he says that, remember he is Irish from Ireland, he gets my hackles up because he is changing the subject, he is not addressing the real issue, which probably has to do with answering the question, what […]

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Exercise works…

If you don’t think it does, just stop doing it for awhile and then go back and see how you feel. For years I did water aerobics and I did them seven days a week. I then went down to six days, then five days and then I started watching the thermometer. If it was […]

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It’s A Hard Job…

Being a Grandparent. There are certain things that happen in your life that you never forget. People say things and at the time they say it you can’t identify with what they said, but boy it comes back to you year after year after year. I am talking about what my mail carrier said to me […]

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The Villages Craft Festival..

Is today and tomorrow, January 5th and 6th, at Spanish Springs Town Square, 10 a.m to 5 p.m.  This is the 12th annual event and will feature crafters from all over the country. They will be displaying and selling their glassworks, paintings, photography, leathergoods, jewelry and much more. In the past I have enjoyed frequenting […]

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Central Florida…

Did you ever think you would be living in Central Florida? You came, you visited, you moved here. What did your friends think when you told them you were moving to Central Florida? They came, they visited and they moved here too. And your children, were they concerned about your choice of Central Florida? They […]

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