The Villages

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Happy New Year…

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year, a year where everything wonderful happens for you. I’ve been so caught up with the Holidays that, as I am sure you have noticed,  I have not been blogging. My sister visited from Virginia and I was able to keep up with her, of course […]

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Christmas trees and books…

My Mother was a Librarian so it only stands to reason that my siblings and I were exposed to books at a very, very early age, probably pre-natal.  My memories of my childhood home were the fireplace, the bookcase that took up the entire wall next to it, and the window seat, on top of a radiator,  where […]

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Only two more days…

Time flies when you are having fun and I guess, even when you aren’t. It has been quite a number of days since I last wrote and it is because of many things, of which side tracked is probably the biggest one. Also, I blog best in the morning and lately I had to get […]

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Einstein’s Daughter…

I’ve written often about the physical feats of many of our Village residents, ie dragon boaters, pickleball players, archers and the many records broken and medals won. Another achievement that is prevalent here, is the intelligence of many of our residents. I am continually being blown away with their superior knowledge, whether it be in literature, […]

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Communication and love…

In the study of  Numerology all numbers are reduced and 1+2=3 and the number 3 is about communication and love.  Therefore today 12/12/12 is about how we learn to accept and communicate unconditional love to mankind. What a beautiful thought.  There have been many things said about these numbers and this date.  Regarding the number 12 there have been 12 […]

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This is just fun…

This you tube video is made by The Villages and you will see perhaps some of the people you have met or worked with…the Morse family, Sales Representatives, Golf pros and neighbors.   I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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in The Villages. When retired there is plenty of time on your hands, and what do you do when that happens? You party. I guess we are never too old to enjoy a good time. I started thinking about this the other evening as I was leaving a Christmas Party. Someone said, well this is […]

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A Very Sharp Shooter…

I never tire or cease to be amazed at the accomplishments of The Villages and/or their residents. I can imagine that some people who have never visited The Villages think that I am just a person who likes to brag all the time. Oh this is the best, and that is the best, and I […]

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Eat your dinner…

Every once in a while Sean’s actions remind me of a time when my sons were growing up and they were young enough to tell them what they had to do. They would do it, perhaps not willingly or happily, but they did it. One of those things were, eat your dinner, and they did it. […]

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is the most difficult part of living and it  comes in many forms; loss of a loved one, a job, loss of a home, a pet, loss of good health.   Normally I have no problem writing my blog, I see things or hear things and I am off and running, or should I say writing. […]

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