The Villages

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Yesterday was…

…International Museum Day and I discovered a new tool I can use for my blog. I spent hours trying to figure it out and I am quite happy with myself for sticking with it, well not exactly. I worked for several hours Sunday and one time it worked but I could never get it to […]

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…it’s Friday. Enjoy a relaxing pretty tune in a relaxing pretty place and as I do I’m thinking of all those things I am thankful for, and all those precious people in my life, and all those happy memories I have. Again enjoy.

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Before and…

…after. To be or not to be…organized. As I spend all this time at home you would think that I would spend a little bit of that time getting organized. I really got thinking about my procrastination and what makes one person more organized than another. In my research to find the answers there was […]

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A 2012 Repost of a Mother’s Day phone calls…

Thank goodness a Mother’s love is all forgiving.  I feel I have to write this, as there is a special person in NJ (now in Charlotte NC)checking in to see if I would mention this.  Would I really want the world to know her son did not call on Mother’s Day.  His  flowers arrived early on […]

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National Nurses Day…

…is today, May 6th. It was designated in 1965 as a day to raise awareness of the important roles nurses play in society and it marks the beginning of National Nurses Week, which ends May 12th. I think in the past we have always respected and appreciated the role nurses play in our lives, and […]

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Stay calm…

…and carry on. My days have been just a little frazzled lately, nothing earth shattering but today I’m getting a little closer to screaming, more so than I have in the past. I feel embarrassed even talking about what has me a little over the edge as the things are pretty petty. For instance, Sean […]

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How lazy can….

…you get? I don’t know about you but this quarantine has made me very lazy. I think I always had a little lazy streak in me but don’t we all. However nothing compares to the laziness on steroids I’m experiencing lately. I’m wearing the most comfortable clothes day after day after day. My hair is […]

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We’ve come a long way…

…baby. This phone was a little before my time. You had to crank it for it to work. Not quite sure how the crank worked on a phone, I know if you cranked your car the engine would start but I don’t think the early phones had engines. I wonder if, depending how long you […]

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Those were the…

…days when cousins got together and were stuck inside. I came across this photograph and thought, so this is what you do when you are young, and you can’t go outside, and before an adult comes and tells you to clean up your mess. This is yesterday’s version of not leaving the house. In my […]

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Jeez, Jeeves…

…you were a very busy man and I’ve been a very busy lady keeping up with you. My last few dizzying days started with a thought to blog the praises of google. A simple post “can’t believe google can give me the answer” has turned into an information sunaime. Not quite knowing where to start, […]

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