The Villages

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

Could It Be…

……………………………..…they smelled barbecue?  These pictures were taken at my sons house yesterday, and I’m thinking they were probably grilling on the other side of that fence.  As the story goes when they left his yard they went across the street to a neighbors and the Mother Bear went right up to the front door. Experiencing no luck there […]

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I took my own advice today…

…and I visited Veterans Memorial Park in Spanish Springs.  They had a very moving ceremony that honored not only the fallen soldiers of past and present wars, but also all of the brave men and woman who are fighting or are veterans of the wars.  I disappoint myself sometimes because I take things forgranted, my daily life […]

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We Have…

…the best clowns.  I would venture to say there is no other community anywhere in the world that has as many clowns living within a 15 or 20 mile radius as The Villages has.  If there is however I would then have to say that pinky and sassy, mopsey, mad-hatter, can-dee, and snooky, to name […]

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Do Hoppier Beers

 …make you happier?  Yes, that is what one of the club members of The Villages Home Brewers Club was quoted saying in a recent article I read. With the weather being up in the 90’s this past week it certainly seems like a good time to have a beer, or at the very least talk […]

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Sample Paradise…

… come visit The Villages.  Over time I have written many blogs about the great things going on in The Villages and the fun I personally am having living here, but there is so much you may want to know.  It is a 55+ Retirement Community where you can get everywhere on a golf cart…shopping, […]

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Food Truck Surprise…

…in Wildwood, a new phenomenon. Food trucks have been around for a long time and I’m sure many of you have some great and maybe not so great memories.  Mine have all been good.  My first introduction to food trucks was at a 4th of July parade in the 1940’s.  Actually when I think about  […]

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…Golf.  It’s amazing that I’ve been writing my blog for quite sometime and have not written that much about golf.  I think perhaps I am a bit intimidated, as living with an avid golfer I’m afraid I am going to get something wrong, or more likely golf is such a big part of The Villages […]

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Happy Mother’s Day…

…to all my friends.  For quite a few years now I have spent Mother’s Day in Florida and because Sean was working on Sunday mornings, I would always go to Tierra’s Brunch with my close friend Carole.  If you have never gone to it don’t wait until next Mother’s Day to go.  They have it every Sunday and […]

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Fun Facts I Learned…

…at the “Evening with the Developer”.  Once again Mark Morse did not disappoint.  I arrived early and settled in to my favorite seat –  Row B, Seat 1 in the Left Balcony, and watched the residents arrive in droves.  I couldn’t help but notice how happy everybody was, especially that they were coming to hear the Developer […]

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A Very Important Date…

…May 8th and that is tonight. It is the yearly Villages Homeowner’s Association meeting where the Developer is the guest speaker and will update the residents on past and future happenings in The Villages.  It is fun to hear the statistics of growth, which are always staggering and to hear what we can expect in […]

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