The Villages

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La Boule Bleue of Marseille…

and also of The Villages. I would not be a bit surprised if you had no idea what I was writing about, because as of a few days ago I would have not known either. However, it has to do with the game of Petanque, (pe-tonk), which is the French game of Boules. Oh, that […]

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Resident Academy…

Last spring I read where the District would be offering a program to the residents, appropriately called Resident Academy, where they can learn about the local government and to alleviate any confusion or answer any questions regarding the responsibilities and functions of the Community Development Districts. It was billed as an in-depth look at the […]

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Tour de Village…

I know we have more golfers, more bowlers, more pickleball players, more softball players, more swimmers, more dragon boat racers, more artists, more writers than anywhere else I could imagine living, but the smooth and rhythmic motion of the cyclists really caught my eye. I don’t know if Thursday is a big day for cyclists, […]

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new neighbors.  There are four of them and at first I was a bit leery that they are now residing on my street.  My introduction to them was a conversation I was having one morning while taking my morning walk.  It went something like this..have you heard about the  Lyons up the street…no, what about them?  […]

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A Straight Shooter…

In the past if someone were to refer to someone as a straight shooter, they would be referring to a person that was extremely truthful, a person that would tell you exactly how things were or should be.  A straight shooters’ words could sometime be hurtful but  I don’t believe that that was their intent, rather their intent was […]

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adj.: pleasing to the eye,  collog.: extra good,  syn.: attractive, lovely.  I don’t think I have ever used the word as much as I have since I moved to The Villages.   Occasionally I would remark that something was beautiful, but it seems that I am always thinking that lately.  Who wouldn’t think it going over the bridge to Lake […]

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Almost everyone has one, and those who don’t wish they did.   If you are working, it is hard to have one, but some do anyway. Some don’t know any better and just do it. Others fight to the bitter end, and either don’t do it or eventually after many shed tears succumb to it. Then […]

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I never could…

have imagined that within seven minutes of my home I would have sixteen movie theatres that I could go to. I never could have imagined that I would be within seven minutes of a movie theatre that was playing movies the day they were released. If the ads say Sept. 23rd, Sept. 23rd I can […]

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Click, click click,….

click click, click. No this is not morse code, I am texting, and that is the word text. I feel as awkward doing this as I did the first time I tried to inhale a cigarette. How do people do this, why don’t they just pick up the phone and call, isn’t that easier.  I’m  […]

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Guess who came…

FOR dinner. We have lived on the James A Chicielo Wildlife Preserve for six years and it has brought us great pleasure watching the wildlife that has at one time or another lived in it or visited it. We have watched a coyote dig for frogs, we have been loudly serenaded by frogs after a […]

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