The Villages

Archive for the 'Uncategorized' Category

The Numbers made me do it…

I believe I might have mentioned that I had taken a course on Numerology at the Lifelong Learning College. If I didn’t mention it,  I did take it.  Anyway, it was very, very interesting and not knowing anything about Numerology I was very surprised how much information about ones self can be told by ones’  numbers. […]

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Absence makes the blog grow fonder…

Hopefully.  I just returned home after spending several days with my sister Julie and her husband Lee, at their home on Orchid Island, Florida. Sean enjoyed playing golf with Lee and raved about the course and its’ condition, as always.  Julie and I visited the Vero Beach Museum, where there were several really interesting exhibits, […]

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The Village Smile…

I think I have all the right credentials to write this as I was voted Nicest Smile when I graduated High School.  This was quite a surprise to me  as I thought very straight, perfect teeth would have to be a prerequisite to winning.  My front teeth were just like my Mother’s, which I liked, […]

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Come in many sizes and shapes. Over the course of our lifetime we accumulate an assorted collection of experiences…some very good, some not so good, some you want to completely forget and others that are very useful and come in very handy. Experience is a great teacher, but passes out tough love when we don’t […]

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A Village Midnight…

Time takes on a life of its’ own in The Villages.   I think we all, at one time or another, thought that when we retired we would never have to watch the clock again.  Surprise, we still do, however some things have changed.  We no longer need an alarm clock to wake us up.  We just wake up […]

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Traveling South with the Moving Vans and Elephants…

 When I drove back from New Jersey  last week,  I could not get over the amount of Moving Vans heading south. I’ve driven this route many times and never have I been so aware of so many vans.  Could there really be that many people heading south to put down roots?  I think so.  I also […]

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Spring has sprung…

The robins have arrived in New Jersey, along with tulips, daffodils and forsythia.  I haven’t experienced Spring in the North in several years, so it brought back many memories.  I remember when my sons were young, another sure sign of spring was the mud they tracked in on their shoes.  I think the winters were […]

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I will be traveling…

I’m leaving this morning, bright and early for New Jersey. I will be driving, and most often I drive up alone. I stay over one night and then on to my sisters in Virginia, sometimes spending several days enjoying her company. Then it is on to NJ to stay with my sons. I haven’t seen […]

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Lunch with friends…

There are many things to enjoy in The Villages and if you have not already noticed, many of our activities will invariable start or end with a meal.   I do believe there are many reasons that contribute to this;  the abundance of good restaurants, the prices are very reasonable compared to other parts of the country, the […]

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Many years ago, things were not going right for me and it seemed that everything I touched went wrong. I could do no right. I mentioned this to a friend, who is a very knowledgeable astrologer, and she called me a few days later and said she checked my chart and my planet or planets […]

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