The Villages

Oh the…

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 24•20

…memories. Many of you can probably identify with this memory. Story hour for preschoolers? I lived in a community of all young families and our neighborhood was over run with preschoolers. In fact my sons’ birthday parties were attended by a minimum of 17 preschoolers. We mothers of these 17 decided that we should have a story hour, once a week, and each mother would take a turn reading. It would be held in my recreation room, there would be no snacks or drinks, and the mothers would drop them off. There would be the reader and myself. This seemed like it would be great fun and it turned out to be really great fun for them. (Not so much fun for the reader or I). They would all come bursting through the door with more energy then I probably have in a year now, and they were there to have fun, and boy did they. To get 17 of them to all sit at one time was impossible, and as the weeks went on they became more exuberant at being with their friends. Some mothers were better at keeping control than others, but it seemed it was always 2 against 17. Until one day a mother arrived to read and she had a beautifully wrapped gift, strung with colorful ribbons. It was a small gift that caught there attention immediately, and to be honest mine too. All eyes were fixated on this beautiful gift. They were bursting with excitement and anticipation as to what it was. She told them she would tell them but they had to sit down and be very quiet. They sat down immediately and didn’t make a peep. She spoke very softly so they had to be really quiet, and that she didn’t even know what the gift was. She told them when she went to bed the night before she was so worried. All of a sudden a little fairly appeared and asked her why she was so worried. She told the fairy that she had to read to them today and what if they couldn’t sit still, or they ran around and laughed and giggled. The fairy said that could be a problem but I can help you. I will leave you a gift in the morning and don’t open up until you are about to read. Shall I open it up she asked? They all screamed in unison, YES. She carefully opened it and peered in the little box and said it is full of gold dust. She showed them all and then read to them the little note the fairy had left. The gold in this box is fairy dust. If you sprinkle it on their heads it is magical and they will be able to sit and listen to the story. One by one they sat still as statues as she sprinkled their heads with gold dust. You are probably wondering how long this magical dust lasted. We did periodically reapply dust to certain little ones, and I vaguely remember it was probably good for a half an hour or so, but there isn’t probably enough fairy dust in the world to stifle the energy of a 3 year old for very long. Which brings me to the reason my memory was jogged. There is a website where celebrities read stories to children. I went on it myself this morning and got caught up listening to several children’s stories and enjoying the illustrations of the books. Make sure to type .NET. Perhaps if you go on it, it too will bring back memories for you. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all had a little fairy dust to aid in sitting quietly, it may come in very handy on these days of togetherness.

Look who’s …

Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 24•20

…teaching. This I’m sure is a familiar face to many, and this room full of students is reminiscent of days gone by. I might mention I took the picture and you might note that I was in the back of the room. This was not unfamiliar territory for me. In grade school your seats normally were assigned to you. My maiden name started with a B so I was usually in the first row, first or second seat back, depending on how many A names were ahead of me. In high school the doors of your new classes were flung open and you ran in and could pick your seat. I would always run to the back row. It didn’t matter if I could see the board or hear the teacher, it mattered more who was sitting next to me or in front of me. Probably the best seat was in the last row, farthest to the left so you could see out the window in the door, which was up front on your right. That way you could see a little hall activity and an occasional friends face in the window. When I think at this age what I might do differently in my life, it might be I should have sat in the front row. Even now I might have to give that a little thought. Anyway, for all of you who sat in the front, here’s a question for you, what’s a MOOCS. A back rower has it that it means Massive Open Online Courses. Yes, 190 Universities just launched 600 free on line courses at You can also go to for more information. There is even a Wide World of Moocs. If you always thought you might like to learn a language, you can, also free. Arrivederci per ora buona giornata, y’all.


Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 23•20

… special emails. I would like to share a portion of one I received and think you may find it helpful in these times of what should I do today. The email read: Literary Hub is a Literary website that she loves to consult frequently. It includes a wonderful podcast and content that changes daily. LongReads has frequently updated essays that will intrigue you. She knows that several of us are now enjoying but she wanted to mention it again, since she is always impressed by the number of quality digital books and audiobooks that you can access for an $8.99 monthly fee. Thanks to my special friend


Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 23•20
…for two days I’ve been working with this new format. I really want to get pictures with the blog and still have not mastered it, (picture should be at the top with dialogue alongside it) however I want you all to stay in touch and share anything that you are doing that is making your days more enjoyable. I did get through this week, however I have to admit that trying to solve my computer problems makes me feel like my friend above looks. My Mother once said that if you live long enough you will experience everything. I have to believe that is very true when it comes to computers. I have experienced everything from rage, potential violence, colorful language, realization of my ignorance, but perhaps the best lesson I have learned is patience. So please be patient with me, as I am getting there slowly but surely.


Written By: Charlotte - Mar• 19•20

….whoops, no I’m not. This actually is my seventh day of being very concerned about the virus, isolating myself from everyone and realizing that this may go on for quite some time. When thinking about what I am going to be doing, I thought reading and watching movies on netflix and amazon prime, but should there be more. Perhaps I could use this time to be productive, catching up on things that I have been procrastinating about. I could go through all the boxes of pictures, I could tackle my closet once and for all, I could go through files that contain obsolete information. My thought process even included cleaning out cabinets, cleaning the garage, writing my obituary. When none of the above appealed to me, other than reading and watching tv and the only thing that made a little sense was writing my obituary, I realized if I dropped the word obituary and thought writing, that may be the answer.
Quite a few years ago I started a blog. I enjoyed thoroughly writing and sharing information about The Villages, personal experiences from present and also my past. I really had a lot of fun writing it. However, in 2015 Sean designed and patented golf cart sun visors, and my life took a sudden turn. ( I abandoned my blog and for two years concentrated on Sean’s business. I have always been encouraged to go back to writing it again and when I do, I find my blog format has changed and I have to relearn everything…blah, blah, blah … and at this point I can’t even figure out how to download pictures from my phone. (I could do it from my old camera, but not my phone??) So if you get to see this just know that I am on a first name basis with Go Daddy technicians and pleading for help from my son Joe, who encouraged and set up my original blog.
Friends I have spoken to have expressed the concern over the virus, but they are almost as concerned about the lack of social interaction with their friends. Hence, I decided to start up my blog again to stay in touch. Instead of sitting over a Chicken Piccata dinner after class, we could just go to the blog and continue our conversations. It would only be a handful of people. But then I thought I’d like to include my sisters, my brother and my children and their spouses, and even my grandsons. (How fun it would be if they actually read their 82 year old grandmother‘s blog, and shared their wisdom and advice with us.)
Hence, instead of writing my obituary I am starting a new life with my blog. I encourage those of you who feel the need to socialize, share what you are doing, see what others are keeping busy with, please leave a comment. If successful it will be fun, uplifting and/or informative. Definitely no politics, no complaining, and no virus news, we get enough of that on the news. Rather again, what are you doing, what are you reading, what wisdom would you like to share?
Hope to hear from you and hope we will all be on the road again soon.

Be aware of anything you send to the blog will be posted for all to see. I will be able to remove comments I do not feel are not in the spirit of the blog. You can send me private comments to

A short explanation. If you go to the blog and read the last several blogs they were posted about the fact I had been scammed by a local car dealer. I tried to seek damages from April to August with no luck. I decided to blog about it and I sent blog to salesman, sales manager and the owner. As they do a lot of business in The Villages, 3 blogs and 3 days later they installed a new $1800 GPS at their expense.

Artists, how many ways…

Written By: Charlotte - Aug• 06•17

can you be an artist.  These are the ways.   A Visual Artist could be a painter of still life, landscapes, portraits, a photographer, a sculptor, an architect, a graphic designer, a digital designer, an illustrator.  A Conceptual Artist is all about thinking and ideas.  A Performance Artist is a dancer, an actor, a singer, a composer, an instrumentalist, a comedian.   A Literary Artist is an essayist, novelist, writer, poet, playwright, scriptwriter.   If you were any one of these artists you are most likely living a very fulfilling life, contributing to society and meeting and satisfying the needs of yourself, your clients or your audiences.   Unfortunately there is one more artist that hopefully you will not have to do business with.  A Scam Artist, who deliberately makes someone believe something that is not true, swindles, hoodwinks, misleads, pulls the wool over someone’s eyes, cheats, defrauds, all for the purpose of putting money in their pocket.  I have in my opinion,  recently been scammed and it is not a warm and fuzzy feeling.   I refuse to get angry though, as anger will only come back and bite me in the form of bad health,  Soooooooooo, what do I do.  I notify the proper authorities and I have fun writing.   I wonder what the Scam Artist does though, does he laugh all the way to the bank perhaps, does he high five his partners in scamming, are there monthly awards presented to the salesperson with the most scams, does he get a reserved parking spot in front of the showroom, does he win a trip?  And what does the loser get?  If it was up to me I’d probably give him a  turvis tumbler, for not exceeding the Company’s expectations.



How To Complain for Dummies…

Written By: Charlotte - Aug• 03•17

I’m basically new at this, but I can share a little of what I have learned recently. Biggest lesson, believe nothing a sales person tells you, make them prove it, get it in writing, take their first born, well no at this age we don’t want children, but you get the idea.  Dummies, Google is wonderful, it tells you everything you ever wanted to know, and even things you didn’t want to know. Just google how do I complain, and up pops a thousand ways to do it. You do have to narrow your search a little, example: how do I complain about my GPS….bingo up comes your answer. Phone numbers, emails, names of  Better Business Bureau, Attorney General’s office, Crimes Against Seniors and google even gives you the name of the Company’s Chairman of  the Board, and names and addresses of all the Board of Directors, and google offers advice too.  Like the Directors, who represent the Investors, all love hearing if there is a problem.  Google will even supply the forms, writes the letters and does everything but lick the envelope.  Of course all this research takes time, but here in The Villages we all have plenty of time.  Time for classes, time for exercise, time for water aerobics with plenty of time left over to blog.  Remember Dummies, they may treat you like one, but you aren’t…because you know how to google.

Where’s Charlotte…

Written By: Charlotte - Aug• 02•17

  ..she wishes she was 10 years old and riding with her Godmother Mary through the streets of Bergen County, New Jersey, in Mary’s 1948 Chrysler convertible.  She felt like the “cat’s meow” and her love of cars was born.   Life was so much simpler, one phone in every home attached to the kitchen wall, mail was mail, not email, one TV in the living room, and yes cars. You had a stick shift for changing gears, gas pedal to make the car go, a  brake pedal to stop it, and an emergency brake to use in the case of an emergency.    That was about it. But not today, I can’t even list all the things a car can do.  It can park itself, walk towards the car and it unlocks itself, wave your hand by the trunk and it opens,  your phone rings in the car and you can talk hands free, it has outlets to charge your phone and computers, press a button and your garage door opens, (on some cars) and GPS navigational system that gets you safely to your desired destination.  That brings me to my title….Where’s Charlotte.   I am having a problem with my GPS that I won’t get into right now, however it might be a fun journey as to how I navigate without one, do I get one, and what if I don’t get one.  When I started my blog I promised no negativity and I stick to that promise. However, the blog has always been to inform people of happenings in and around the Villages.  Where’s Charlotte is a happening that I will keep you informed about…and it will be fun.


Written By: Charlotte - Jul• 21•17

  It has been a long time since I last blogged and many things have happened in our lives.  However, all’s well that ends well and so far so good.   I’m writing this to see if my blog is set up at this point, as I had to move it from one account to another and it has been a bit of a struggle.  So we shall see now

A Wee Bit of….

Written By: jpriestner - Jul• 18•13

20130712_110451…a blog.  We are roughly half way through our trip to Ireland and it has been very exciting, sometimes good exciting and other times exxccciiitting, as in dodging Irish drivers.  Sean swears you need a drink to build up your courage to get behind the wheel of the car.  Our days have been busy and with it being light up until 10:30 pm it seems we don’t start for home until 10:00pm.  The pictures I am posting are of different places we have visited, many of the ones of Sean are taken in The Village he grew up inIMG_2986…the pub you see was owned by his parents up until 1953…he shared the changes that have been made with the current owner. IMG_2995  We will be traveling around the next few weeks with Sean playing a lot of golf with his brother and his friends from Wexford;  Nick, John, Jimmie and others.  The weather has been gorgeous, very cool at night and in the 80’s during the day.  The headlines are warning people to stay out of the sun, and reporting statistics of the booming flip flop sales.  They had straight rain for 1-1/2 years and the sun came out the day before we got here.  IMG_3012 Hoping it holds for another week or so, so Sean can get his golf in.  We had dinner at the Boathouse the other evening and it overlooks the Kenmare Bay.IMG_3134  When we were done and walking back to the car there was a young man buttoning up his boat that he had just taken out of the water. It was quite an impressive boat and we walked over to talk to him..Sean asked did he fish and he said no, this is just for pleasure.  He jumped down and extended his hand and introduced himself –  John Brennan.  We introduced ourselves and talked about Florida etc.  When he left Sean remarked he seems very important…he approached the restaurant and went in the back door.  We surmised he owned the restaurant and thought no more.  Turns out he is thee John Brennen we watched the next night on TV…he and his brother Philip have a reality TV show that goes out to hotels that are floundering and tell the owners what to do to turn their businesses around.. like Chef Ramsey does with restaurants.  I hope he was not too disappointed that we did not know who he was.  20130715_101711 We’ve visited the beach on the Ring of Kerry,20130715_101654_HDR climbed around an ancient fort, plus several castles.IMG_3185  Joe and Laura kissed the Blarney Stone,IMG_3194 so we will have to see how much luck they have in the next week or two.  Sean and I may have to go kiss it before we leave. They also went on a 10 klm. hike over the mountains on the old road to Kenmare from Killarney.  Sean and I opted out of that activity.20130718_081235  The countryside is beautiful with many herds of cattle and sheepIMG_3106,waterfalls, lakes  and mountains. IMG_3146 Time is going so quickly it will be Aug. 6th before we know it.IMG_3041